Teaching Kirika Yuumura By: Bulmafox Disclaimer--I don't own Noir. If I did, there'd be a lot more shoujo-ai action and snarky comments between Mireille and Chloe concerning Kirika. Instead it's owned by Ryoe Tsukimura, Bee Train (the guys who like to toy with our heads), and Victor Entertainment. This story has yuri in it, so if you're under 18 and/or have a parent in the room, or if reading about two women making love squicks you out, don't read it. Kirika stood in front of Mireille, both of them naked. Her heart raced as she thought about what she was about to do. All she had to do was take a few steps toward her partner. She could still back out if she wanted to. Thing was, she didn't. She had been preparing for this moment for months now; she wasn't going to back out now that she was about to make love to Mireille. It had started with a kiss. After Kirika recovered from the gunshot wound she sustained at the Manor, Mireille told Kirika she read her letter, which prompted a long conversation about their relationship; among other things, both women told the other that she loved her, and promised to stay together. Afterwards, Kirika shyly kissed Mireille; just a little peck on the lips, but it was enough to ignite their passion. Their kisses deepened and soon kissing wasn't enough; they both felt the need to touch and be touched by the other. They started stroking each other everywhere they pleased while kissing passionately for long stretches of time; something Mireille called 'making out'. Eventually Kirika started longing for Mireille's body in a way she hadn't previously, and she wondered if there was something more to this intimacy thing, something she was missing. It was around that time she learned about something called sex. Kirika never asked anybody at school what it was--most people feared her, and those who didn't, the popular ones, looked down on her--so she had started eavesdropping on their conversations instead. What she learned from the popular girls was that it was the ultimate expression of intimacy between two people who wanted each other's body, which finally put a word to what Kirika had been wanting to do with Mireille. She also learned that both partners had to be naked. Beyond that, the girls' information was useless, seeing as how all their partners were men. She tried listening in on the guys to learn how to please a woman, but all she heard was them bragging about how many girls they did. Kirika considered looking it up on the Net, but she was afraid of Mireille looking through her history and finding out where she'd been, so she didn't. So Kirika was on her own. Meanwhile, Mireille had gradually been leading her there. She had bought a couch, so they could make out comfortably without using the bed, and to hopefully smooth the transition from making out to making love for Kirika. She also started touching Kirika in more intimate places and removing her clothes, little by little. Kirika just followed her lead, figuring her partner was much more experienced than herself. The younger woman grew apprehensive when they began making out in their underwear; while she had been reading up in the more obscure gay and lesbian bookstores, she still felt her knowledge lacking. She told herself she would be ready when she knew exactly how to please her partner. In fact, Kirika had decided she really was ready only a few minutes ago. She had just gotten home from grocery shopping when she heard soft moans coming from the bathroom. She immediately dropped the bag and rushed in, not caring what she was barging in on. "Mireille..." she choked out, trying unsuccessfully to hide the betrayed look on her face, "H-how could you? I...mean..." "What's wrong, Kirika?" Mireille asked without looking up. "I thought...I...thought..." "You thought what?" Mireille turned around. Upon seeing Kirika's pained expression, she hastily shouted, "No! There's no one else in here! I promise." Kirika started scouring the bathroom anyway. "Where is she? Where's your lover?" "Kirika. Kirika." Mireille stepped out of the bathtub and took the younger girl by the shoulders. "Kirika, listen to me." She made sure Kirika was looking right at her before continuing. "Kirika. I would never cheat on you. We made a promise to each other and I'm not going to break it, not after everything we've been through." "Yes, but--" "I was the only one making that noise. Trust me, I wouldn't lie about something like this." Kirika started to calm down, and she looked visibly relieved. That was when she noticed It. She hadn't paid attention in her agitated state, but now that she'd calmed down, she suddenly noticed how absolutely gorgeous Mireille's naked body was. She impulsively reached up and kissed the older woman, who wrapped her arms around the younger one. Kirika ran her hand down Mireille's body and awkwardly fondled her breasts. Already she felt herself fumbling, and she tore herself away and ran, gripped by insecurity. "Kirika?" Mireille chased her partner into the living area. "Kirika, what's wrong?" She found her standing in front of the window, hugging herself, very obviously trying not to cry. She lightly touched her shoulder. "Kirika, what's the matter?" Kirika sniffled. "I thought I was ready. I really want to do this, really...but," another sniffle, "I don't know anything. I don't know how to make love to you." "Is that all? That's what was eating you?" Kirika turned around. "'Is that all'? Mireille, I don't want to let you down." "What? You could never let me down, not because of *that*. Besides, everyone, even the experts, have to start *somewhere*. Even if you turn out to be a total novice at this, it only means you need more practice...which I'm totally up for," she added, trying to lighten the mood. Kirika didn't look convinced. "Okay Kirika, I'll teach you." "What?" Kirika asked, not sure if she heard right. "I'll teach you the basics, that way you won't feel as lost. Don't worry, it's less painful than it sounds." "What do I have to do?" "Well, I would undress first." Kirika unceremoniously shed her clothes. "Next, I'll tell you this big super-secret formula only the experts know." "Yes?" "The big secret is," Mireille made sure Kirika was listening intently, "...there is no big secret." The younger girl's face faltered, "Huh?" "I don't know what you picked up, but there is no secret 'ooh ahh' formula. The big trick is you think of what you want to do to your partner, then do it." "Really?" "Really." "Are you teasing me?" "No, I'm not." "Okay then." Kirika reached out and cupped her partner's breasts. Mireille nodded, and Kirika started kneading them, less crudely this time. She kissed one of them and made a trail up Mireille's chest, up her neck, and finally reached her lips. Mireille pulled her in for a deep kiss and lowered her to the floor. Kirika reached up and nipped Mireille's neck and shoulder, then pulled her arm from under and kissed her way down until she reached her hand. She licked Mireille's palm and sucked her fingers and basically did anything to her hand that could be done by mouth. Mireille chuckled. "No wonder you like ice cream so much. You were having dirty little fantasies about me while eating it, weren't you?" Kirika only blushed. "You were practicing on the ice cream! Don't try to deny it." "Um..." Kirika blushed heavily. "Yes I was." "I never knew you had such a dirty mind. Here, let me show you how to use your mouth more effectively. Put it right here." Mireille pointed to her neck. Kirika licked Mireille's neck, right behind her ears, causing Mireille to nearly collapse on her in pleasure. Suddenly Kirika had the strangest urge to touch Mireille where she never had before. She moved a hand impatiently down Mireille's body and exhaled slowly as she slipped it between her legs. She stroked it broadly, not knowing exactly where to touch but knowing it must feel as good to Mireille as it did to her. Mireille grabbed Kirika's hand, put it exactly where she wanted, and rode it, sitting up as she did. She rolled her head back and moaned loudly as she came. Kirika's eyes widened in concern. "Mireille, what happened? Did I hurt you?" Mireille snapped out of her high. "Huh? No you didn't hurt me." "Then what happened?" "That was a climax. It feels wonderful when it happens." Kirika looked confused. "...Here, let me show you." Mireille pulled Kirika up and started rubbing her between her legs, right where Mireille had put Kirika's hand when she had ridden it. Kirika clung to Mireille and breathed heavily as Mireille kept pushing her toward the edge. She felt a wonderful feeling not unlike intense arousal spread from below and her mind became cloudy as she ground her hips against Mireille's hand, not wanting her to stop. Soon she could no longer think straight and her body went on autopilot. She buried her face in her lover's neck as her intense pleasure increased until Kirika felt it being released all at once, and she moved uncontrollably until she couldn't take it anymore. She finally stopped and relaxed against Mireille, slightly shaking and out of breath. "Mireille," she asked when she caught her breath, "Was that a climax?" "Yes. Didn't I tell you it'd feel wonderful?" Kirika breathed, "Yes it does....Mireille, this isn't it, is it? We don't have to stop now, do we?" "Only if you want to." "Good. Because I don't want to." Kirika kissed Mireille and brushed the back of her neck, while Mirelle caressed Kirika's back. Mireille's hands, then her mouth, found their way to her lover's chest as the blonde lowered her to the floor again. Kirika closed her eyes and sighed happily as Mireille continued pleasing her. When Mireille was good and ready, she moved further down. She grabbed Kirika's thighs and went down on her. Kirika gasped and tugged on Mireille's hair as the blonde caressed her lower parts with her mouth. She soon started bucking and panting as she hit her peak again. She opened her eyes to find she had wrapped her legs around Mireille's back and sat halfway up, effectively trapping her partner's head. Mirelle looked up at Kirika and said, "Well, it's getting late"--the sun had already started to set--"We should eat soon." She pulled Kirika off her and stood up to get dressed. "No," Kirika said, "Please. Let me please you like you did me." She stood up and pulled Mireille back down from behind. Mireille let herself be pulled down rather easily; after all, dinner was the only thing making her stop, and suddenly she didn't feel all that hungry anymore, not with Kirika so eager to continue. She felt whatever tension was in her leave as her partner massaged her neck and back. She languidly turned over so the younger girl could get to her front. Kirika slowly kissed her way from Mireille's neck to her breasts, where she lingered for what seemed like an eternity, lavishing them with as much attention as she could muster. She moved further down, kissing every step of the way, until she arrived between her thighs. She lowered her head tentatively. Mireille pushed Kirika's head toward her, prompting her to continue. Kirika shyly lapped at Mireille's womanhood, making the blonde throw her head back and moan. She became bolder and started pushing her tongue where Mireille most desired. Mireille tugged at Kirika's hair and started bucking. The younger woman closed her lips on the blonde's favorite spot and started sucking on it. Mireille moaned and rapidly bucked higher and higher until she sat up, pushing Kirika's head as close to her as possible when she hit her peak. But Kirika was not done yet. She continued until Mireille very quickly achieved a second climax. Both women fell back to the floor--Mireille gasping for breath--and lay still for a few seconds. Mireille pulled Kirika up to her eye level and told her, "I'll tell you another big secret." Kirika looked at her. "Hmm?" "This was my first time, too." Kirika's eyes nearly jumped out. "But---but how--" "I'm well read. I also practice. On myself." Kirika looked at her lover, confused. "Ah..I'll have you know it's perfectly possible. In fact, that was what I was doing in the bath when you barged in. I was pleasing myself while thinking of you." "Oh...that's what those moans were then. You and...you." Mireille chuckled. "That's one way of putting it. You know, you really oughta try it sometime." "No thanks. I think I'd rather please you." "Oh well, more fun for me." She started stroking Kirika's hand. "Hey Kirika?" "Hmm?" "Now you can tell those girls at school you did it with a woman," she said, referring to a group of girls who delighted in rubbing in Kirika's seemingly perpetual virginity; they didn't know Mireille was Kirika's girlfriend. "Then just watch their faces." "Hmm." Kirika knew she should feel bad about being so mean, but she couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. Mireille and Kirika just lay there in silence until they heard Mireille's stomach rumble. "Sorry," Kirika said. "Hey, I don't mind. But it *is* getting late and we really must eat. What's say we go out to dinner to celebrate our first time?" "Sure." Kirika suddenly gasped as she remembered something. "Mireille, the groceries--" "--can wait. It's not like they'll spoil or anything." Mireille finally got up and let out the bath water in the bathroom before joining Kirika, who was already getting ready to go out. The End