Welcome! You have entered [ELDA TALUTA] at 1:00 am [Duvet]: Happy Birthday to Elenore and me!      [AlexShadow]: happy birthday [Bulmafox]: Happy brithday, Kari [ELDA TALUTA]: Forlorn Hope has entered at 1:00 am [ELDA TALUTA]: noirlax has entered at 1:01 am [noirlax]: hi, going to say bye and watch at home at my own leisure. [Duvet]: okies have fun Riki [noirlax]: ciao [Forlorn Hope]: kk [noirlax]:        [noirlax]: *** [Bulmafox]: Bye Ricky... [Forlorn Hope]: bye riki        [Duvet]: ****** [AlexShadow]: bye Riki [noirlax]: bye [noirlax]: **** [ELDA TALUTA]: noirlax has left at 1:02 am [ELDA TALUTA]: Okoa has entered at 1:03 am [Okoa]: Okies. Sorry, I missed quite a bit. ^^' [AlexShadow]: great now we're all here [Forlorn Hope]: yep [Duvet]: yay!!! [Forlorn Hope]: huzzah :3 [AlexShadow]: Huzzah [Okoa]: Wahoo! [Duvet]: :D [Bulmafox]: I'm in the middle of deleting pictures off my phone [Duvet]: oh okies [Bulmafox]: So as soon as it stops and I find ep 2, then I'llpost the links [Duvet]: I have the dvd's [Bulmafox]: Yes, but not everyone doe [Duvet]: oops [Bulmafox]: *does [Duvet]: ^^; [Okoa]: More power to us then. ^^ [AlexShadow]: power to the dvds [Forlorn Hope]: I plan on getting them eventually   [Duvet]: though I'm gonna watch them on the 35" tv I rarely use [Duvet]: I'm gonna head and watch Elenore before I go to bed. [Bulmafox]: Found episode 2! [Duvet]: *head out [Bulmafox]: Madlax ep 2--http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/anime/wa tch/v184253883RSbXTeG [AlexShadow]: cool [AlexShadow]: just be watching on my comp [Bulmafox]: Wait, so the party isn't now after all? Duvet]: the party is all day all night so no one has a excuse [Duvet]: to not to watch [Okoa]: I'll have to do it after class tomorrow. ^^ [Bulmafox]: So are we all gonna watch the episodes seperately? [Bulmafox]: Oh [AlexShadow]: are we doing a group watch? [Duvet]: so people can rest or work or do birthday stuff and still watch the episodes [Duvet]: we can set a time where can watch ep 24 [Duvet]: and 26 [Okoa]: I still really liked the group watch thing. [Bulmafox]: Me too [Forlorn Hope]: me three [AlexShadow]: they are [Bulmafox]: And it's easier to keep a transcript of the party that way [Duvet]: how about 6:00 pm EST [Bulmafox]: Okay [AlexShadow]: won't be home yet [Bulmafox]: I hope I can tay awake for that [Bulmafox]: *stay [Okoa]: I'm good for that. Although most people probably won't be on by that time. [Duvet]: get some sleep Sheila [Forlorn Hope]: I get out of class at time so I'd be a bit late for that time.. [Duvet]: okay how about 8:00 PM EST [Forlorn Hope]: that'd work for me [Bulmafox]: Me too [AlexShadow]: might be pushing dinner time for me   [Forlorn Hope]: give me time to make pasta too [AlexShadow]: what can I say I live at home I eat with the family [Duvet]: I'm having Chinese, like I do every year [Okoa]: Oh yes. ^^ [Bulmafox]: Yum [Okoa]: It's gonna be pasta night, all right. [AlexShadow]: 10:00 EST at the latest? [Duvet]: yes [AlexShadow]: 8:00 PM for me [Duvet]: as I said the party is all day/night [AlexShadow]: yes but I want to be on the group watch [Duvet]: you get here when you get here [Duvet]: Elenore wouldn't mind [Duvet]: at least I don;t think she would mind [AlexShadow]: unless you all want to do a group reading of my screenplay adaptation [Forlorn Hope]: ask your family if you can have dinner early   [Duvet]: but anyways I have to go to bed and get some rest [AlexShadow]: depends if they are working on the bathroom retiling, we'll probably have it later [Okoa]: Okies. Good night! ^^ [Bulmafox]: ww... [Bulmafox]: Good night Kari [Bulmafox]: See you later [Duvet]: and dream of Elenore [AlexShadow]: we typically eat in the 6-7 range [Duvet]: ********* [AlexShadow]: good night Elenore [Okoa]: **** [ELDA TALUTA]: Duvet has left at 1:27 am =========================================== (later) Welcome! You have entered [The Manor] at 8:02 pm [The Manor]: Bulmafox has entered at 8:02 pm [The Manor]: AlexShadow has entered at 8:02 pm [The Manor]: AlexShadow has left at 8:02 pm Welcome! You have entered [Elenore's &Margie's house] at 8:02 pm [Duvet]: welcome [Bulmafox]: Hi [Bulmafox]: Thanks [Bulmafox]: So how are y'all? [Duvet]: full [Duvet]: how are good [Bulmafox]: ??? [Duvet]: had dinner [Duvet]: *how are you? [Bulmafox]: Tired [Duvet]: didn't get enough rest? [The Manor]: Forlorn Hope has entered at 8:06 pm [Duvet]: hi Brooke [Bulmafox]: Nope [Bulmafox]: I went to bed at 5, then woke up at 7 and couldn't get back to sleep [Bulmafox]: Hi Brooke [Elenore's &Margie's house]: Forlorn Hope has entered at 8:06 pm [Forlorn Hope]: Hi [Duvet]: hi Brooke [Duvet]: been up since 5 myself [Forlorn Hope]: hi kari [Duvet]: watching Elenore episodes atm [Forlorn Hope]: I have my pasta, now where's everyone else [Forlorn Hope]: nice [Duvet]: had my Chinese for lunch and dinner [Bulmafox]: I had cereal for lunch [AlexShadow]: I'm here [Forlorn Hope]: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a118/fhscreencaps/IMG_2814.jpg Pasta [Duvet]: I went to the Chinese restruant and had lunch [Duvet]: hi Alex [Bulmafox]: That looks goog, Brooke [Bulmafox]: I didn't take a picture of today's dinner, but [Bulmafox]: I took one of yesterday's, and thr spsghetti that I saved in the fridge [AlexShadow]: not eating pasta tonight so no need for me to take pictures [Forlorn Hope]: hi alex [Bulmafox]: *good [Forlorn Hope]: :up: [Duvet]: lol, ya know that scene when Vanessa is driving and Margaret pokes her head from the back...kinda wish she would hit the breaks...(yeah I know it's mean and not very nice...but she should buckle up...rich or not....) [Forlorn Hope]: lol [Duvet]: okies lets get this party/ group watch started [AlexShadow]: what about the others [AlexShadow]: and I still have to get my DVDs in order [Forlorn Hope]: I'm ready   [Duvet]: I don't know about the others [AlexShadow]: Marta should be on tonight at least [The Manor]: noirlax has entered at 8:20 pm [Duvet]: hi Riki [Elenore's &Margie's house]: noirlax has entered at 8:20 pm [noirlax]: hello what's up? [AlexShadow]: hi Riki [Duvet]: hi Riki [Forlorn Hope]: hi riki [Bulmafox]: hi Riki [Duvet]: http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/anime/wa tch/v184253883RSbXTeG [The Manor]: ChronoBall X has entered at 8:21 pm [noirlax]: ah I watched ep 2 and 6 yesterday. hi Chrono [Forlorn Hope]: hi chrono [AlexShadow]: hi Chrono [Bulmafox]: Hi Chrono [Duvet]: Hi Chrono [AlexShadow]: now I'm not sure where I put my last DVD [Elenore's &Margie's house]: ChronoBall X has entered at 8:23 pm [Forlorn Hope]: oops. Hi chrono [AlexShadow]: hi Chrono [Bulmafox]: hi Chrono [ChronoBall X]: hey guys,i'm here [Duvet]: so what exactly are we supposed to do other than watch the episodes? [Duvet]: hi Chrono [AlexShadow]: talk? [AlexShadow]: your party [Forlorn Hope]: i don't know   it's your party [ChronoBall X]: .XD [Bulmafox]: Provide runnong commentary during the episodes [noirlax]: your party, your rules, your seating, your snacks [Duvet]: Miss Margaret, I'm coming in with a chain saw and hockey mask [Bulmafox]: And probably pot picturesof a certain theme (aka. pasta) [ChronoBall X]: scary [AlexShadow]: again I say we could all sit and read my MADLAX script [AlexShadow]: lol [ChronoBall X]: or watch madlax amvs and listen to madlax osts.lol [Forlorn Hope]: madlax drinking game   [Duvet]: wake up method # 3 ....used in Turkish prisons everywhere [The Manor]: GhostFriendly has entered at 8:26 pm [noirlax]: no alcohol at work here   [Forlorn Hope]: hi ghost [noirlax]: Hi Ghost [ChronoBall X]: hey ghost [Bulmafox]: Hi Duncan n [AlexShadow]: man where did I put my DVD :/ [Duvet]: welcome to the party [GhostFriendly]: still writing presentation for tommorow, but I'll try to join in a bit [AlexShadow]: you think I'd know where my autographed DVD went too.... [Forlorn Hope]: heh [Forlorn Hope]: not somewhere in your room? [noirlax]: ^^; [Duvet]: Margaret Burton took it [AlexShadow]: must be in my room [Duvet]: and she took Ellis too [AlexShadow]: Margaret is a Vic fangirl, I knew it! [Forlorn Hope]: lol [ChronoBall X]: your not the only one guilty alex,my madlax dvds are scrambled in my video game collection pile mess.lol [Forlorn Hope]: now if we could just get marta and okoa in here.. [AlexShadow]: ah found it [Forlorn Hope]: where was it hiding [Duvet]: No Margaret..get Elenore started ragging on Vanessa's asss [AlexShadow]: tucked away in my self, I've really got to reorganize it [AlexShadow]: I keep my series grouped together but my DVDs have been a bit scattered lately [Duvet]: yeah I'm starting with 9 [noirlax]: what bout Vanessa's ass? [Duvet]: my two fav well endowed nerdy women are in swimsuits [ChronoBall X]: lol [ChronoBall X]: man i really need to organize my dvds and my manga better @_@ [noirlax]: lol [noirlax]: lol [Bulmafox]: So havewe tarted watching? [AlexShadow]: I haven't [Bulmafox]: *have we [Forlorn Hope]: i haven't [GhostFriendly]: waiting for Marta and Okoa? [AlexShadow]: would be nice to do so [ChronoBall X]:   still waiting [noirlax]: where is Varta? and Okoa? [Forlorn Hope]: ok. finished pasta would of waited but I didn't want it to get cold [AlexShadow]: good question [Forlorn Hope]: straglers   [AlexShadow]: here I was worried about not making it ontime [Bulmafox]: Me too [ChronoBall X]: my mother cooked fried chicken breast [Bulmafox]: Here's the spaghetti in the fridge: http://smg.photobucket.com /albums/v109/bulmafox/?action=view¤t=020611_22361.jpg [AlexShadow]: it's just chilling out *shot* [Bulmafox]: However, I learned that it has tomatoes, and I hate tomatoes, so I didn't eat it yesterday [Duvet]: my my...isn't Elenore being casual with Vanessa [Bulmafox]: So I had a frozen pizza last night: http://smg.photobucket.com /albums/v109/bulmafox/?action=view¤t=020611_22441.jpg [Duvet]: i'm watching ep9 and pausing long enough to comment [AlexShadow]: Okoa just signed on [Duvet]: so if you see what appears to be random sayings from me....it's just me commenting on the episode [The Manor]: MartAnimE has entered at 8:42 pm [Bulmafox]: Well get him here! [Bulmafox]: Hey Marta! [Bulmafox]: Glad you could make it [AlexShadow]: she's in the Manor [noirlax]: Varta [ChronoBall X]: hi marta [Duvet]: Marta isn't in the house yet [Bulmafox]: Aww dang [Elenore's &Margie's house]: MartAnimE has entered at 8:43 pm [Bulmafox]: I did it again [Duvet]: lol [Duvet]: hi Marta [Duvet]: [Bulmafox]: Hi Marta [MartAnimE]: hi hi! [AlexShadow]: hi Marta [Bulmafox]: Glad yuo could make it [noirlax]: hi Varta [Forlorn Hope]: Hi Marta [ChronoBall X]: hey marta (again ^^) [MartAnimE]: sorry I'm late, I just got home ^^; [Duvet]: no problem [Forlorn Hope]: it's ok ^^ [MartAnimE]: what episode are we at? [Bulmafox]: Kari's at 9 [Bulmafox]: The rest of us haven't started yet [AlexShadow]: Kari already started we waited for the rest [Duvet]: I started with 9 and still at the scene where they're drivng to the resort [MartAnimE]: oh I see [Duvet]: I've been patient long enough today [noirlax]: I did 2 and 6 yesterday will do the rest back home. [MartAnimE]: well that's ok, I'll watch with the rest of you who haven't started yet  [ChronoBall X]: it's ok marta [MartAnimE]: Happy Birthday Kari btw ^^ [Duvet]: thanks for the birthday wishes. It does mean a lot to me... [GhostFriendly]: hello Marta [Forlorn Hope]: I have all the episodes loaded on youtube so as to not slow down the live watching [GhostFriendly]: deffo happy birthday [MartAnimE]: heh nice [AlexShadow]: then again I do have work to catch up on [Duvet]: I can hold off on 9 [Duvet]: this is the first group watching I've been to [The Manor]: Okoa has entered at 8:48 pm [Elenore's &Margie's house]: Okoa has entered at 8:48 pm [Bulmafox]: You didn't attend the Noir or .hack// parties? [Bulmafox]: Hey Adam! [AlexShadow]: he's in the Manor [noirlax]: There he is [Forlorn Hope]: hi okoa [GhostFriendly]: hello Okoa [Duvet]: i missed those [Okoa]: So, another Madlax room eh? [AlexShadow]: oh no he is here actually [MartAnimE]: hi Adam [Duvet]: hi Okoa [Duvet]: [Okoa]: Hey y'all.   [ChronoBall X]: hey adam [Duvet]: seriously, thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday. Yeah I know I can be a pain in the asss at times...but I really do apprecaite you all being my friends...I wish you all lived closer to me... [Bulmafox]: You're welcome [MartAnimE]: you're welcome Kari [Okoa]: We love you too. [ChronoBall X]: your welcome kari [noirlax]: you're welcome. [Forlorn Hope]: I wish we all lived in the same area as well        that'd be awesome [Okoa]: Yeah it would.      [Forlorn Hope]: I'm raring to go      [Okoa]: Ah! Not yet. [MartAnimE]: is there links? [noirlax]: I'll be here to provide commentary. [Bulmafox]: Yes [Forlorn Hope]: I'm watching it on youtube but I know there's veoh links as well [Bulmafox]: Are we starting with ep 2, or ep 9? [Okoa]: Commentari [Forlorn Hope]: I want to start with ep 2 [Bulmafox]: Okay [Bulmafox]: Episode 2--Madlax ep 2--http://www.veoh.com/brows e/videos/category/anime/watch/v184253883RSbXTeG [MartAnimE]: 2 right? [MartAnimE]: ok ready when you are           [Bulmafox]: Yes, 2 [Okoa]: Shoot, I'm hungry. [Duvet]: yes 2 [Forlorn Hope]:      [MartAnimE]: you wanna go get food? [Okoa]: Are we taking pasta pictures? ^^ [Bulmafox]: Do you want us to wait while you eat? [Forlorn Hope]: I already have      [Bulmafox]: Or pictures of what we had for dinner [AlexShadow]: I'm in the OP but I can pause when it starts [Duvet]: I'm full [Bulmafox]: I took pictures of both      [Okoa]: Ah, okies! [Okoa]: I be back real quick-like! [Forlorn Hope]: ok [Okoa]: Forgive me, I just got home. [Forlorn Hope]: [ChronoBall X]: we forgive you.lol [noirlax]: we forgive you Oko-kun [ChronoBall X]: well,I finnaly found my dvds.this is my collection of all my singles dvds of madlax,i had these since 2005 http://i54.tinypic.com/9abp1g.jpg [Duvet]: I'm doing a quick bio then [AlexShadow]: sweet Chrono [Bulmafox]: Cool [ChronoBall X]: funny i reccommended madlax to alex which is priceless [Forlorn Hope]: coolness [MartAnimE]: neat [noirlax]: [MartAnimE]: I think I'm gonna watch the dub on youtube [MartAnimE]: it's been a while since I checked it [ChronoBall X]: mmm... my disk are a little dirty,better clean them a bit [Duvet]: Miss Margaret, if you don't answer me, I'm in with with whips and chains [Duvet]: *I'm coming [MartAnimE]: [Forlorn Hope]: [Duvet]: Method #3 used in Turkish prisons everywhere [AlexShadow]: Ha! Wake up method #3 must be really diabolical to get a sleepy girl to? jump? to her feet at the mere mention of it! Elenore is the best housemaid ever! [noirlax]: So exact too you're late by two minutes and thirty six seconds [MartAnimE]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rVbr8-t3u8 [MartAnimE]: here's a youtube link for episode 2 english dub [Duvet]: sleep eating....I wonder how she pulls that off [noirlax]: she's just like a zombie eating [Duvet]: oh now she notices Elenore.... [ChronoBall X]: thanks ^^ but I have my own dvds so i'll pop in my volume one into my PS2.lol [Duvet]: Elenore could've been wearing her birthday suit and she wouldn't notice [AlexShadow]: I have the DVDs but think I will watch it online so i don't have to swtich around [Duvet]: okay maybe with a modestly placed ribbon [MartAnimE]: yeah me too Alex [Duvet]: but yeah you get the idea [ChronoBall X]: I love these anime network commercials.lol [MartAnimE]: you're at the swimsuit scene already Kari [Duvet]: I'm watching online as well, though I have the entire dvd set [Duvet]: Oh I went back to ep 2 [Duvet]: I haven't gotten to that scene yet [MartAnimE]: must not wear out those DVDs [noirlax]: Margaret is on another world she senses everything but reality [GhostFriendly]: all very mysterious [AlexShadow]: Margare'ts Waltz as I like to call the music [AlexShadow]: *Margaret's [noirlax]: She has a great sixth sense. Which one is Margaret's Waltz? [AlexShadow]: the music with Yuuka's vocal [MartAnimE]: it's a pretty good music [MartAnimE]: Margaret's theme is a waltz [AlexShadow]: the strings and the piano and I think it's a flute [Bulmafox]: I'm listening to it right now! [Okoa]: Backski. I'm gonna upload my pasta pic. [Forlorn Hope]: yay :3 [MartAnimE]: yeah flute [ChronoBall X]: wb adam [AlexShadow]: you think I'd know my Woodwind instruments better [Duvet]: Elenore: Oh welcome home Miss Margaret...and who's this nice lady whom I've never had causal sex before.... [AlexShadow]: I know them better than Strings [Duvet]: Margaret: Etou? [Okoa]: Did you guys start without me? [noirlax]: oh you mean the song Margaret? [Bulmafox]: Nope. [Bulmafox]: We waited [Duvet]: Elenore: Never mind..... [MartAnimE]: yeah that song Riki [AlexShadow]: no [Okoa]: Oh cool. ^^ [MartAnimE]: and no, we were waiting on you  [AlexShadow]: I cued up Margaret's Music while waiting [Okoa]: Okies, lemme get the DVD in. [Bulmafox]: Madlax ep 2--http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/anime/wa tch/v184253883RSbXTeG [Okoa]: Episode 2, is it? [Bulmafox]: Yep [MartAnimE]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rVbr8-t3u8 [MartAnimE]: there's a dub on youtube  [Okoa]: I got the DVD. [ChronoBall X]: same here it's in my ps2 right now [AlexShadow]: well pop it in and we'll get this show on the road [Okoa]: It's working, patience. ^^ [Okoa]: Okay, I don't know what song plays in the main menu, but I like it. ^^ [Okoa]: Anyways, let's-a go! [Bulmafox]: Calm Violence [Okoa]: Oh, really? There you go. ^^ [ChronoBall X]: me too [Okoa]: Are we doing the OP too? [Forlorn Hope]: I'm ready [Duvet]: Vanessa:I'm Vanessa...you were with me last night remember...you know the whipped cream, the edible underwear...the. [noirlax]: .There you go! (Mario voice) [MartAnimE]: ready and set [Bulmafox]: If it's not included [AlexShadow]: already went through it [Forlorn Hope]: why not? [Bulmafox]: It is on the Veoh link, nbot ure if it is on the Youtube link [Duvet]: Elenore: Allright already! I know who you are [MartAnimE]: I'm playing the OP ^^; [Forlorn Hope]: youtube has the op [Forlorn Hope]: starting [Okoa]: Whatever you guys want. ^^ [Bulmafox]: Watching the OP [Okoa]: Very well. [Duvet]: Margaret: Elenore, what this about whipped cream? Did you have a extra desset without me? [AlexShadow]: I'm at the episode Title Card [Okoa]: Say, let's pause after the OP to make sure everyone's on the same page. [MartAnimE]: okies ^^ [Duvet]: okies [MartAnimE]: paused and waiting [Okoa]: I still don't remember too much from this show. [Duvet]: waiting.... [AlexShadow]: I know it by heart now [Forlorn Hope]: ok, done with the op [AlexShadow]: almost [Okoa]: Alright, I'm there. I guess everyone else is too? [ChronoBall X]: yeah it's been awhile since i've last watched this myself[MartAnimE]: yeah I've watched these episodes so many times [Duvet]: well I'm sure the jokes will make sence later on [AlexShadow]: I'm further along really [Forlorn Hope]: I at least renember more of madlax than .hack//sign [ChronoBall X]: yep at the begining of the episode [Duvet]: so have I [MartAnimE]: let's keep watching then [Forlorn Hope]: alrighty [Okoa]: Cool. Someone do a countdown. [Bulmafox]: At the beginning of ep 2, too [Duvet]: 1 [Bulmafox]: Okat, then [Duvet]: 2 [Bulmafox]: 5... [Duvet]: 3 [Duvet]: go  [AlexShadow]: go [Bulmafox]: Watching! [Okoa]: Alrighty. [Duvet]: watching [Forlorn Hope]: [ChronoBall X]: already watching [Forlorn Hope]: 5 more minutes [Bulmafox]: Oh, I can see Elenore being OCD, Riku [Bulmafox]: *Riki [Forlorn Hope]: sleeping while getting dressed lol [MartAnimE]: that part where she wakes up and tilts her head is when she became my favorite character! [Okoa]: Lieutenant Commander Data #2. ^^ [noirlax]: wow that fast Marta [MartAnimE]: yeah I'm a sucker [noirlax]: Margaret is so sleepy and dreamy [MartAnimE]: kawaii [Forlorn Hope]: the prince of persia ish music [Okoa]: The beginning of that song sounds like Pink Floyd. [ChronoBall X]: yeah it does sound like something from prince of persia.lol [Forlorn Hope]: red shoes :3 [ChronoBall X]: algebra evil X_X [AlexShadow]: suddne shift in the aspect ratio [Okoa]: Sometimes it's hard to tell where the camera's pointing from. ^^ [MartAnimE]: "doesn't she look kinda dignifed? no, not really." [Forlorn Hope]: margret.. your local weather girl [Okoa]: [MartAnimE]: and being late to class moment is very lol too [AlexShadow]: it's funny because she's wrong about the rain [MartAnimE]: surprisingly no one laughs [Forlorn Hope]: vanessa and guy with a weird hair do [Forlorn Hope]: I want to touch itz [AlexShadow]: he's a pedo [MartAnimE]: no love for Charlie [Forlorn Hope]: he is? [noirlax]: nah he's just a loser with women [Forlorn Hope]: starting part 2 on yt [Duvet]: Charlie's ambition to be a member of the Stray Cats utterlly failed when he realized he was in the wrong universe [MartAnimE]: yeah me too, on to part 2 [Duvet]: and Kari just dated herself again [Okoa]: He does look like a Stray Cat. [ChronoBall X]: [MartAnimE]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: I think I saw this subbed. don't really renember this dub [Duvet]: well at least I'm not the only one knows who the Stray Cats are [GhostFriendly]: stray cats? [GhostFriendly]: band? [Duvet]: yes [Okoa]: Yep. [GhostFriendly]: rock music? [MartAnimE]: oh that "etou" moment is much better in Japanese ^^; [Okoa]: Rock this town. ^^ [Duvet]: yes [AlexShadow]: when doe she say etou [Okoa]: Young girls aren't interested in books! [MartAnimE]: head tilt [AlexShadow]: Mr. Carrossea Doon [MartAnimE]: haven't you watched my 10 second Margaret video? [MartAnimE]: it was all about that [Forlorn Hope]: vic [Okoa]: Oh shoot, I'm way ahead. ^^' [noirlax]: she says etou when she can't remember Vanessa's name. [Duvet]: don't feel bad Okoa [MartAnimE]: I just got to that part actually [MartAnimE]: Margaret is at Vanessa's job [Okoa]: Yeah, I guess you guys are way more familiar with this than I am. [AlexShadow]: I did spend a heafty time adapting this [Forlorn Hope]: don't worry, I'm a bit fuzzy on the details as well only watched this series once [AlexShadow]: Corruption afoot [Forlorn Hope]: kick him in the nuts [Forlorn Hope]: I mean.. :whistle:  [Bulmafox]: LOL! [Bulmafox]: Who, Carrossea, or Charlie? [Duvet]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: carrossea [Bulmafox]: Give him a goodswiftkick for me! [Duvet]: make him clap his hands like Ed Elric [Bulmafox]: Kick the smug right off of his face [Duvet]: then nail him in the nads [ChronoBall X]: don't let him use alchemy.XD [Forlorn Hope]: onto the third part on yt [AlexShadow]: woah what was up with that foley when she opend the door [AlexShadow]: wooowoosh [Duvet]: Elenore: Oh welcome home Miss Margaret...and who's this nice lady whom I've never had causal sex before... [ChronoBall X]: onto part 3 [AlexShadow]: and why is Kannazuki no miko in the related videos section [Forlorn Hope]: lol [MartAnimE]: because they have similar keywords [Okoa]: That related videos section is so random. [ChronoBall X]: they always do that alex.lol [MartAnimE]: like episode 02 and all [Duvet]: Vanessa:I'm Vanessa...you were with me last night remember...you know the whipped cream, the edible underwear...the. [ChronoBall X]: always put random videos in the related sections for no reason.lol [MartAnimE]: ok on to part 3 [Duvet]: Margaret: Elenore, what this about whipped cream? Did you have a extra desset without me? [MartAnimE]: I actually never really saw Elenore Vanessa that way Kari [AlexShadow]: that would be funny if she just vomited all over them bleeeegh [Duvet]: I'm joking [noirlax]: Carrossea is talking about place being off limits? [The Manor]: forest_imp45 has entered at 9:48 pm [AlexShadow]: Memories of highschool anime club coming back [noirlax]: I'm just guessing where you guys are ^^ [MartAnimE]: Iwas rather surprised when they hinted at it in the sock puppet extra [Elenore's &Margie's house]: forest_imp45 has entered at 9:48 pm [AlexShadow]: hi there hanna [Forlorn Hope]: hi hanna [forest_imp45]: ooo a new room [Duvet]: hi Hanna [Okoa]: Hey Hanna. [noirlax]: Hi Hanna [forest_imp45]: hey everyone [ChronoBall X]: hey hanna [Bulmafox]: Hi Hanna [AlexShadow]: just in time for the MADLAX party [MartAnimE]: hello Hanna [forest_imp45]: yay [Okoa]: Feeeeeeeriday! The man of the hour. ^^ [Duvet]: besides I like the idea of Elenore and Vanessa together [Bulmafox]: we're watching Madlax episode 2 [Bulmafox]: Madlax ep 2--http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/anime/wa tch/v184253883RSbXTeG [forest_imp45]: even though I haven't watched Madlax yay! lol [Forlorn Hope]: lol [Okoa]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: oooh I love this song [Duvet]: and you can prolly tell whats on my mind [MartAnimE]: oh noes [forest_imp45]: well I've seen ep 1 [ChronoBall X]: [AlexShadow]: ?Margaret's Waltz? [MartAnimE]: I thought you had seen it Hanna [Okoa]: Is that We Are One? [Forlorn Hope]: crash [forest_imp45]: not yet. I've been busy [AlexShadow]: this is just Margaret's theme [forest_imp45]: I have it just haven't seen it [MartAnimE]: it's the song called "Margaret" [ChronoBall X]: friday monday....scary [AlexShadow]: but it does get arranged into "We are One" [Okoa]: Oh, okies.  [AlexShadow]: RIP Fiday Monday's voice [Okoa]: Ah, the episode is done! [MartAnimE]: "we are one" comes up much later in the show [Duvet]: ooo...burn [Okoa]: Indeed. ^^ [MartAnimE]: it's a mix of Madlax and Margaret's themes [AlexShadow]: voice actor [Okoa]: We Are One was playing, so I thought that was it. [Duvet]: wow, Elenore burned Vanessa during dinner [AlexShadow]: fan service [MartAnimE]: chat is lagging a lot for some reason [Duvet]: He was a good actor [AlexShadow]: he was [Okoa]: Yeah. [ChronoBall X]: my fav inser song,nowhere [Forlorn Hope]: at the ED now [The Manor]: Teufel has entered at 9:52 pm [Okoa]: So what episode is next? [forest_imp45]: hi [AlexShadow]: more fanservice [Forlorn Hope]: hi teufel [MartAnimE]: episode 6 [Okoa]: He's not here yet/ [AlexShadow]: he's still in the Manor [noirlax]: I love that part in the end of ep 2 it's perfect for the music. [Elenore's &Margie's house]: Teufel has entered at 9:53 pm [Forlorn Hope]: why are they all nakidd for franservice.. I guess x3 [forest_imp45]: lol [forest_imp45]: hi [Okoa]: Okies! I'll get it prepped. [MartAnimE]: hi Shawn [Forlorn Hope]: hi teufel [Okoa]: Heya Teufel. [ChronoBall X]: hi shawn [Teufel]: Howdy all. [AlexShadow]: Original Art=Key Animation btw [MartAnimE]: getting episode 6 ready [noirlax]: It's really good metaphor for Margaret's mind breaking the block and releasing those memories. [AlexShadow]: ADR Script Monica Rial [noirlax]: and setting up the pieces together. [ChronoBall X]: yaaaa luci christian ^^ [MartAnimE]: yeah that is perfect Riki, I agree [MartAnimE]: episode 2 is still one of the best in my book [Okoa]: Good episode. ^^ [MartAnimE]: ready to start 6 when you guys are ^^ [ChronoBall X]: i'm ready [Forlorn Hope]: I'm ready as awell [noirlax]: and that's even considering ep 1 being very good. [AlexShadow]: just barley cued it up let it buffer first [Okoa]: Okies. Are we starting at the OP again? [GhostFriendly]: best for quiet set-up and mystery [AlexShadow]: we should just skip the OP IMO [MartAnimE]: I like the OP [MartAnimE]: but ok [Okoa]: Yeah, we don't need to see it every time. [MartAnimE]: so are we starting now? [AlexShadow]: I like Obsession but I still skipped it during the .hack Party [MartAnimE]: I'm playing the OP now   [Okoa]: Okies, anyone can begin the countdown. [MartAnimE]: as we speak [AlexShadow]: 3 [AlexShadow]: 2 [AlexShadow]: 1 [AlexShadow]: go [Okoa]: Coolio. [MartAnimE]: go~! [Okoa]: I skipped the OP. [AlexShadow]: ah this is the episode where the sound goes weird whoever mixed this episode should be fired [MartAnimE]: why do you say that Alex? [AlexShadow]: it sounds like it was recorded in a fish tank [MartAnimE]: I thought the sound was fine [MartAnimE]: I think that's because it's a dream sequence [Okoa]: I don't hear anything weird. [AlexShadow]: no it's the whole episode [MartAnimE]: I still don't hear it [GhostFriendly]: finishing presentation for a bit [Bulmafox]: Done with ep 2! [Bulmafox]: I'm lagging so far behind [AlexShadow]: aaah spider [MartAnimE]: oh and spider! [AlexShadow]: really listen to the ambience [GhostFriendly]: spider cool# [ChronoBall X]: nasty spider [AlexShadow]: it sounds like this was mixed in a fish tank [MartAnimE]: but notice the butterfly escaped at the last moment! [ChronoBall X]: you have to listen carefullly to hear the fish like aquarian noises because i can her them [Elenore's &Margie's house]: forest_imp45 has left at 10:03 pm [Forlorn Hope]: I still don't see what you're talking about [Okoa]: I totally don't hear it. [AlexShadow]: I said it sounds like a tank it didn't say it sounds like a functioning aquarium [Duvet]: episode 6 really cemented my fandom for Elenore [GhostFriendly]: fish tank noises give supernatural ambience? [MartAnimE]: is this in the sub only or you noticed it in the sub Alex? [MartAnimE]: dub* [AlexShadow]: this is the dub [GhostFriendly]: ep 6 for Duvet beginning of beautiful friendship [MartAnimE]: ok then [AlexShadow]: I don't know if it sounds the same on the subbed [MartAnimE]: lol [Okoa]: I'm watching the dub and I still don't hear anything. ^^' [AlexShadow]: it's in the mix it doesn't take an expert in audio production to hear it [Duvet]: I could truely relate with her [MartAnimE]: yeah it's not noticeable enough to be distracting I guess [Bulmafox]: Starting ep 2 [Forlorn Hope]: the dr's va can't act. [Okoa]: Apparently you do. [Bulmafox]: *No, I mean, starting ep 6 [Bulmafox]: *No, I mean, starting ep 6 [AlexShadow]: guess I'm like Mai then, I have extraordinary hearing [Elenore's &Margie's house]: Teufel has left at 10:06 pm [Okoa]: Apparently you do. [MartAnimE]: Chiara has an evil voice [AlexShadow]: it's more apparent though when there's explosions [AlexShadow]: or other loud noises [Forlorn Hope]: she has a lisp.. [Okoa]: Hmm. [Duvet]: Hello..have you heard of push polling [AlexShadow]: I don't know what it is in the mix whether it's a bad use of reverb or what [Okoa]: lol [Okoa]: Elenore and Margaret look almost the same age in the flashback. [ChronoBall X]: done with part 1 [AlexShadow]: still remember that time I was thinking about that and a few minutes later I get a call asking about my voting [Forlorn Hope]: onto part 2 [AlexShadow]: Random Dog apperance! [Okoa]: Okies, I'll pause for a few seconds. [MartAnimE]: and I swear that scenary by the river is the same they used in noir [AlexShadow]: think I'm ahead [Forlorn Hope]: lol [AlexShadow]: Recycled Art Direction Woooo [MartAnimE]: i'M ONLY GETTING TO PART 2 NOW [Duvet]: well they are in Paris...just alternative universes [MartAnimE]: sorry for the caps ^^; [Forlorn Hope]: XD [AlexShadow]: no need to shout marta [Okoa]: [AlexShadow]: Pink Laundry [Forlorn Hope]: aww little elenore is cute [MartAnimE]: actually my keyboard caps key is broke or something [Duvet]: Bobcats....heh [MartAnimE]: it's working the opposite [AlexShadow]: actually the episode where MADLAX first confronts Friday and throws off her dress also has this lousy mix [Okoa]: Elenore will bow to anyone at the door and assume it's Margaret at first. ^^ [AlexShadow]: SFLAT [Duvet]: yes...Elenore is adorable.... [AlexShadow]: "he's such a Nazi" [MartAnimE]: chibis! ^^ [Forlorn Hope]: half time cards [AlexShadow]: Upbeat music ????? [MartAnimE]: I'm at the nazi part now [Okoa]:  [Forlorn Hope]: same [ChronoBall X]: [Forlorn Hope]: I'm like.. totally not snobby and rich.. [AlexShadow]: I'm about the point where he's going to make the moves on Margie [Okoa]: lol [MartAnimE]: Margaret's classmates are all douches or what [Forlorn Hope]: lol yeah [Okoa]: Staredown! :F [Duvet]: yes they all are douches [Forlorn Hope]: margaret is so forward.. [AlexShadow]: unreleased track! [Okoa]: Oh, where? [Duvet]: and thats why Elenore laid the SMACKDOWN [Duvet]: on them [AlexShadow]: when he asks her about her bag the music starts cuing up then fireworks [Forlorn Hope]: elenore is a scary mother hen [Okoa]: Oh, okies. [MartAnimE]: I wonder what the fireworks were about [Duvet]: oh yes...Elenore has her scary moments [Forlorn Hope]: lol "no you're not, you're lying" [Duvet]: FINISH HIM [Duvet]: BRUTALLITY [Duvet]: ELENORE WINS [MartAnimE]: well he has liar written all over his face [ChronoBall X]: .XD [Forlorn Hope]: starting part 3 [MartAnimE]: and then he suddenly tries to change subject [Forlorn Hope]: lol! [Okoa]: Flawless victory [AlexShadow]: k [Bulmafox]: I just got to the eyecatch [MartAnimE]: on to part 3 aswell [AlexShadow]: hurry up Sheila [Forlorn Hope]: that's a perfectly normal looking children's book.. [AlexShadow]: *ominus latin chanting* [ChronoBall X]: more upbeat music [Duvet]: awwww....poor Elenore and her grandpa [AlexShadow]: not really upbeat Chrono more mysterious and foreboding [AlexShadow]: rape [ChronoBall X]: yeah,but close enough [Forlorn Hope]: glowy eyes [MartAnimE]: I'm at the kickass part now [Forlorn Hope]: oh god creepster [noirlax]: back what are we talking about now?  [AlexShadow]: real macho he pulls a knife on a maid [Forlorn Hope]: elenore F yeah! [Bulmafox]: aurice [Okoa]: wb Riki. [Bulmafox]: Even thought I'm nowhere near it [ChronoBall X]: wb riki,we're watching madlax episode 6 [Bulmafox]: Vanessa just go thungry again, then it went to the eyecatch [Okoa]: I think I would hate to have a caretaker like Elenore. [AlexShadow]: ?Elenrore? [MartAnimE]: there goes the hand [Bulmafox]: Thanks to Kari, I totally read that as subtext [Forlorn Hope]: she means well ^^ [MartAnimE]: yikes ^^; [Forlorn Hope]: it takes real talent to beat someone up in a maid's uniform [noirlax]: Okoa I think Elenore/Margaret works well because Margaret is so unElenore [Duvet]: You're welcome Sheila....you can also thank Kira and Kelly as well [MartAnimE]: indeed Riki [AlexShadow]: poor Elenore [Forlorn Hope]: stare.. [Okoa]: Yeah, I guess so. If Margaret was a Sim, her independence stat would hit rock bottom. [MartAnimE]: sad flashback is sad [Duvet]: I know...that one scene really hit hard [Forlorn Hope]: bawww [Duvet]: [AlexShadow]: Dissolve [ChronoBall X]: elenore is so overprotective,but in a goodway [noirlax]: The grandpa bit makes Elenore's feelings towards Margaret more complex. [MartAnimE]: but I like how the episode ends [Duvet]: so do I [MartAnimE]: it's really sweet ^^ [AlexShadow]: always wanted to know what she wanted to ask [noirlax]: well she is slightly annoyed at Margaret for a split sec but then she thinks oh you're so cutely forgetful and ditzy. [MartAnimE]: yeah I do wonder [Okoa]: Oh, do we never find out? [AlexShadow]: no we never do [Forlorn Hope]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: at the end now [MartAnimE]: next time it rains in the show (that we see) Margaret is talking to Carrossea about the book [Okoa]: Ahh. [MartAnimE]: and then he drives her home [MartAnimE]: episode finished for me [AlexShadow]: I doubt that was what she wanted to ask [AlexShadow]: 9 is cued up but needs to buffer [MartAnimE]: she didn't really asked anything at that scene I think [Okoa]: Oh, episode 9 now? [Duvet]: yay!! [MartAnimE]: episode 9 ready! [Okoa]: Good, I don't have to get up and switch DVD's again. [Forlorn Hope]: ready to go here [ChronoBall X]: on episode 9 now and buffering [AlexShadow]: I'm going ahead to 1:30 after the OP [ChronoBall X]: there we go,now it's buffering faster,i had my torrents on [MartAnimE]: started [Okoa]: Are we all ready? [Duvet]: I know it's not nice and a little mean but I kinda sorta want Vanessa to tap the breaks suddenly...but really she should buckle up...rich or not [AlexShadow]: ready [Forlorn Hope]: starting [AlexShadow]: starting [AlexShadow]: such purdy colors [Okoa]: Starting now? [Okoa]: Oh geez, thanks for the warning. [ChronoBall X]: taste the rainbow [AlexShadow]: we said starting [MartAnimE]: yup Luciano scene [AlexShadow]: everyone thank the nice Color Designers [GhostFriendly]: next is ep 9? [Duvet]: thank you nice color designers for not being high when you did this [AlexShadow]: 9 [MartAnimE]: Margaret fell asleep really quick there [AlexShadow]: Ms Elenore should remind Margaret to buckle up too [Forlorn Hope]: lol [Bulmafox]: Oh I give up [Bulmafox]: I'll watch it at my own leisure [ChronoBall X]: remember kids,always buckle up [Okoa]: What's going wrong, Sheia? [MartAnimE]: do you want us to wait Sheila? [AlexShadow]: she's way behind [Forlorn Hope]: she's behind [Bulmafox]: Yes, please [Forlorn Hope]: I could wait [Duvet]: finally I can get to the swimsuit scene [MartAnimE]: I paused when the car broke [Bulmafox]: Episode 6 is taking forever [Duvet]: I'll get there and pause [MartAnimE]: tell me when you get there [Bulmafox]: Right now Elenore is following Margaret to school [Forlorn Hope]: I'm at the 4:39 mark [AlexShadow]: 4:30 [Bulmafox]: Thank you [MartAnimE]: yup 4:35 [Bulmafox]: Oh, btw, Kari, Elenore just explained that she studied hard and skipped several grades, so she already graduated [GhostFriendly]: still wartching ep 6 [GhostFriendly]: with work tmrw, might stop at that [AlexShadow]: this calls for some brownies [AlexShadow]: + I need to bio anyway [Forlorn Hope]: same.. minus the brownies [Forlorn Hope]: maybe I'll get some ice cream mmm [MartAnimE]: yeah I'll get a snack too ^^ [ChronoBall X]: chocolate chip peanut butter cookies for me ^^ [Bulmafox]: Oh finally! [Okoa]: [Okoa]: Snack time. [Bulmafox]: Done with episode 6 [Duvet]: yes I know but it doesn't say how old she is [Bulmafox]: Geez, that only took forever [Bulmafox]: brb, bathrrom and snack [Bulmafox]: I I'm very hungry [Duvet]: it just means she graduated before Margaret [Okoa]: She looks at least 21, I'd say. [Duvet]: 21 at max [Bulmafox]: hehe...with the way Alex and Brooke talked about bio and brownies, that reminded me of Ex Lax brownies [Bulmafox]: But it said she graduated before Margaret due to her skipping grades [Bulmafox]: Meaning, she graduated before the normal graduation age [Duvet]: I knew it! It's a clip on! Her jabot is a clip on! [Bulmafox]: Okay, now I really will brb [ChronoBall X]: ok sheila [AlexShadow]: oh you can never judge the age or an anime woman by their looks [AlexShadow]: look at MADLAX she looks to be in her mid 20s [GhostFriendly]: Vanessa looks her age a bit though [The Manor]: forest_imp45 has entered at 10:42 pm [Elenore's &Margie's house]: forest_imp45 has entered at 10:42 pm [ChronoBall X]: wb hanna [AlexShadow]: wb [forest_imp45]: back [Okoa]: wb [Forlorn Hope]: wb hanna [forest_imp45]: ty [GhostFriendly]: wb [forest_imp45]: sorry I was gone so long [forest_imp45]: but I'm having a bit of a panic moment [AlexShadow]: what's up [forest_imp45]: there's an arts and crafts show coming up [forest_imp45]: but you have to apply to get in.... [forest_imp45]: and I dunno... I'm scared I won't make it and scared I will [Forlorn Hope]: heh [ChronoBall X]: don't worry i'm sure you'll do fine hanna [forest_imp45]: thanks [AlexShadow]: you'll be fine [GhostFriendly]: should be good if you make it, no matter how you do, right? [Duvet]: you'll be fina Hanna [GhostFriendly]: and you can do a good entry [GhostFriendly]: finished ep 6 going to bed [forest_imp45]: they said that they accept all kinds of art, but the show from last time looked like 99% wearable stuff.... [Forlorn Hope]: oh [ChronoBall X]: i see [forest_imp45]: and I don't really do that. I do illustraition, which they said they accept but... I dunno [Elenore's &Margie's house]: GhostFriendly has left at 10:47 pm [forest_imp45]: good night [Forlorn Hope]: it still would be good to have the chance to get your art out in the public [forest_imp45]: gah missedd him [AlexShadow]: so submit one [Forlorn Hope]: he left fast.. [forest_imp45]: true, I will apply [forest_imp45]: just nervous. [Forlorn Hope]: you'll be ok but I can understand the feeling ^^ [AlexShadow]: I know what you mean I want to submit my own work to a Fellowship of writers [AlexShadow]: thinking about which I should submit [MartAnimE]: back [forest_imp45]: *nods* it's scary enough starting an online business [forest_imp45]: wb [ChronoBall X]: wb marta [Okoa]: wb [MartAnimE]: we're still waiting on Sheila right? [Forlorn Hope]: I guess so..  [Bulmafox]: Back [AlexShadow]: in fact I have to get on that really soon, Deadline is May [ChronoBall X]: i think she's caught up now [MartAnimE]: okies [Okoa]: wb [Forlorn Hope]: wb [forest_imp45]: eeps. [MartAnimE]: wb Sheila [Duvet]: wb [forest_imp45]: the show is in May too.... I mean if I do prints I'll have enough stock [forest_imp45]: but if I do clay stuff..... all hell will break loose here lol [Bulmafox]: Thank y'all for waiting [AlexShadow]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: ^^ [ChronoBall X]: your welcome sheila' [Bulmafox]: I'm at the beginning of episode9 now [MartAnimE]: [Bulmafox]: Have y'all started watching? [Forlorn Hope]: tell us when you get to the 4:30 mark [ChronoBall X]: i have awhile ago [Forlorn Hope]: not yet [Bulmafox]: Okay, I will [ChronoBall X]: but left a paused mark at 4:39 [Duvet]: i'm at thr 8:55 mark [Duvet]: *the [Duvet]: well ya know where my mind is tonight *rolls eyes upward* [Forlorn Hope]: :3 [MartAnimE]: [ChronoBall X]: [Bulmafox]: I'm on Youtube right now, and I'm wondering... [Bulmafox]: WHERE IS PART 2?! [Bulmafox]: There are only parts 1 and 3 [Forlorn Hope]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwe48Xgt4Pc [Duvet]: I've been watching thme on the links you sent me Sheila [Duvet]: *them [Bulmafox]: Thanks, Brooke [Bulmafox]: Me too, Kari, but then everone said 4:30 mark, and there's a minute and a half fan-made intro before the OP [Forlorn Hope]: np [Duvet]: http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/anime/wa tch/v18430008EajDPmwg [Bulmafox]: So I don't know where 4:30's supposed to be [Bulmafox]: So I went to Youtube [MartAnimE]: I'm at the part when the car breaks [Duvet]: I don't mind the fan made intro [Duvet]: give 3 guesses where I paused at....*sigh* [Bulmafox]: *sigh* Carrosea [MartAnimE]: elenore swimsuit [MartAnimE]: elenore swimsuit [Duvet]: Marta knows me well [Duvet]: too well [ChronoBall X]: she;s a mind reader [MartAnimE]: I wish [Duvet]: no really...she knows me too well [MartAnimE]: but only if I could activate it and deactivate it at will [MartAnimE]: cuz reading people's minds all the time would drive me insane ^^; [ChronoBall X]: lol [Okoa]: lol [Duvet]: geez, talk about subtext...the way Elenore struts in front of Vanessa [AlexShadow]: reminds me of that Twilight Zone Episode [AlexShadow]: about mind reading [AlexShadow]: not swimsuits [Okoa]: Oh, yeah. [MartAnimE]: lol [Okoa]: lol [Duvet]: if you had mind reading powers I would do my best to block you [Bulmafox]: Paused at 4:30 [Forlorn Hope]: lol [Bulmafox]: Paused at 4:30 [Forlorn Hope]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: okies. are we all starting now then? [MartAnimE]: ok we can start again [Forlorn Hope]: starting.. [MartAnimE]: go? [Bulmafox]: Thanks for letting me catch up [Duvet]: I have enough things running around in my head and I don't need someone going around rooting where they're not wanted [ChronoBall X]: np [MartAnimE]: :dog: [Bulmafox]: I'm ready when y'all are [Okoa]: Count us down, Kari. [AlexShadow]: we started [Okoa]: Okay, never mind then. [AlexShadow]: Brooke and I [Duvet]: paused where Elenore "struts" her stuff in front of Vanessa [Forlorn Hope]: lol I stopped. [Bulmafox]: o I should unpause now, then? [Duvet]: yes [MartAnimE]: yes start it Sheila [AlexShadow]: 6:11 [AlexShadow]: paused [MartAnimE]: I allways thought that bed was wrongly placed in the room [MartAnimE]: the head should be facing the wall [AlexShadow]: ah yeah [AlexShadow]: that is odd [AlexShadow]: 6:24 [Forlorn Hope]: at 6:11 [MartAnimE]: it's like random bed in the middle of the room [Okoa]: I just got to the hotel part. ^^' [AlexShadow]: marta still gong [Forlorn Hope]: lol [MartAnimE]: lol [MartAnimE]: no I stopped [Forlorn Hope]: I want to go on vacation.. [Okoa]: Okay, now they're at the pool. [AlexShadow]: screw it [AlexShadow]: *plays* [MartAnimE]: I want to go on vacation to that hotel! [Duvet]: notice the subtext.... [Forlorn Hope]: me too [Forlorn Hope]: lol [ChronoBall X]: i always wanted a water bed [AlexShadow]: Oooooouch (ET Voice) [Forlorn Hope]: lol that was random chrono [Forlorn Hope]: starting part 2 [AlexShadow]: I don't imagine that's a water bed [MartAnimE]: you know I kinda wanted to try that too James [MartAnimE]: but yeah I didn't think it was a water bed [AlexShadow]: well to quote Professor Otaku being the douche he is FOR FANSERVICE moe moe kyun! [ChronoBall X]: at the scene it looked like she was on a water bed [MartAnimE]: and part 2 done for me now [AlexShadow]: woah close one almost clicked away [Elenore's &Margie's house]: forest_imp45 has left at 11:11 pm [Forlorn Hope]: bending your hat down is a super good disguise.. [Okoa]: lol [AlexShadow]: Marta slow down [MartAnimE]: ok [AlexShadow]: most of us jsut started Pt 2 [MartAnimE]: oh I meant part 1 [MartAnimE]: I finished part 1 [AlexShadow]: oh lol [Okoa]: [MartAnimE]: starting part 2 now [ChronoBall X]: lol [AlexShadow]: you're fine then [Forlorn Hope]: [ChronoBall X]: ad us spooked there for a moment [Forlorn Hope]: why do all the guys look the same in this show [ChronoBall X]: lazy character male designer.lol [MartAnimE]: you think? [AlexShadow]: Character Desginers [MartAnimE]: Charlie doesn't look like any other guy in the show [Forlorn Hope]: that's an exaggeration but the girls do look more distinct from each other [MartAnimE]: all the others are good looking [ChronoBall X]: some animes are like that,for example,every character in reign the conquere has the same exact ugly face.XD [Okoa]: This is the Girls with Guns trilogy after all.  [Forlorn Hope]: yeah that's true :3 [AlexShadow]: Dolly -- I mean Latetia [Forlorn Hope]: d'oh she's asleep again [AlexShadow]: Fanicful European Music [Okoa]: That girl needs a Red Bull or something. [ChronoBall X]: [MartAnimE]: I think Luciano fell asleep too [AlexShadow]: it will give her wings [Forlorn Hope]: done with part 2 [Duvet]: Oh God more subtext.... [AlexShadow]: done [Forlorn Hope]: starting part 3 [MartAnimE]: now I'm far behind [MartAnimE]: gao [ChronoBall X]: going to part 3 now [Duvet]: thanks Kelly and Kira [ChronoBall X]: should we wait on marta? [Duvet]: for yet more subtext [AlexShadow]: paused at :36 [Forlorn Hope]: [MartAnimE]: ok starting part 3 now [Duvet]: Elenore jaelaous?...perish the thought....yeah right Elenore....we all know sweetie....we all know [ChronoBall X]: ok [Duvet]: *jealous [MartAnimE]: but she denied it very convincingly [Duvet]: yeah sure she did [Forlorn Hope]: [AlexShadow]: more chanting [Forlorn Hope]: snipah [MartAnimE]: what if he had actually killed Carrossea! [Forlorn Hope]: dooo itt [Forlorn Hope]: he missed? must suck to be the other guy [Okoa]: Then the series would be over already. [ChronoBall X]: yeah really.lol [MartAnimE]: poor random unamed old man [Forlorn Hope]: lol [MartAnimE]: he was at the wrong place at the wrong time [Okoa]: Indeed. [AlexShadow]: Limelda [MartAnimE]: stupid Limelda killed Luciano [Okoa]: She's pretty good. I don't know how she spotted him from there. [MartAnimE]: he was such a nice one episode character [ChronoBall X]: well,thats why they're called snipers okoa.lol [AlexShadow]: FOR FANSERVICE moe moe kyun [Forlorn Hope]: madlax felt sad even though she didn't know he died. weeeird [Forlorn Hope]: end ep [AlexShadow]: Did MADLAX Catch Gilmore Girls [MartAnimE]: sad Madlax is sad [Forlorn Hope]: lol alex [MartAnimE]: ended for me too [AlexShadow]: she need a pint of Hagun-Doz [Duvet]: I don't know if I'm gonna make though ep 24 without crying [Duvet]: seriously [Forlorn Hope]: might need to have tissues handy ^^ [Duvet]: you'll understand when you see it [Okoa]: [MartAnimE]: what a big jump from 9 to 24 [MartAnimE]: and I think we've all seen it before Kari [ChronoBall X]: finished episode 9 [Duvet]: I know [AlexShadow]: you sure you want to press on? [Forlorn Hope]: couple eps at the begining and at the end. nothing in the middle [Duvet]: but I cry when I see this episode [MartAnimE]: yeah if you don't wanna watch it it's fine [Forlorn Hope]: O [Bulmafox]: I mean 9!   [Forlorn Hope]: lol [MartAnimE]: you mean 9 Sheila? [MartAnimE]: lol [Duvet]: yes, it's a main episode [AlexShadow]: lol [Okoa]: lol I was gonna say. [MartAnimE]: ok [Bulmafox]: Yes [Bulmafox]: I eman 9 [Duvet]: she's...your family [Bulmafox]: *mean [Duvet]: [MartAnimE]: ready to start 24 when you guys are [Forlorn Hope]: I'm ready [AlexShadow]: set at 1.30 [Okoa]: Grr, I gotta get up to change discs. [AlexShadow]: oh we'll wait [MartAnimE]: we'll wait [Okoa]: This is gonna be fun. ^^ [ChronoBall X]: lets sing the F.U.N song [Okoa]: Alright, I'm set. [Forlorn Hope]: let's not [Forlorn Hope]: k [Bulmafox]: Veoh is not cooperating [AlexShadow]: lol [AlexShadow]: go to YouTube [MartAnimE]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CnMs6NTwPk [MartAnimE]: here Sheila [Bulmafox]: Thank you [Bulmafox]: Going through the OP now [Bulmafox]: Paused at the beginning of the episode now [ChronoBall X]: ok [AlexShadow]: ready to go [MartAnimE]: so are we starting? [AlexShadow]: 3 [AlexShadow]: 2 [Bulmafox]: Yep [AlexShadow]: 1 [AlexShadow]: go [MartAnimE]: go~! [Duvet]: my...wish [Duvet]: [Okoa]: Wow, we missed a lot in between. [MartAnimE]: yeah ^^; [Forlorn Hope]: no kidding [AlexShadow]: places of the holy such a good song [MartAnimE]: look tanks! [AlexShadow]: now to Nowhere yamanii [Okoa]: Indeed. [Forlorn Hope]: *ducks* [MartAnimE]: and these are not pink [Forlorn Hope]: lol [ChronoBall X]: i never get tired of nowhere.lol [AlexShadow]: overkill much [Duvet]: dammn Limelda....if you haven't stuck your dammn nose [Forlorn Hope]: you're blinding them madlax x.9 [Okoa]: There's a woman standing there! Use the tanks! [Forlorn Hope]: lol! [AlexShadow]: Court Marshals for everyone [Forlorn Hope]: in a cocktail dress no less [MartAnimE]: Limelda is allways ruining things up [MartAnimE]: . [Okoa]: [ChronoBall X]: PWDED/.lol [Forlorn Hope]: they didn't even stand a chance.. [Forlorn Hope]: poor saps [Okoa]: Elenore can fight in a maid skirt and Madlax can kill people in a dress and high heels. [ChronoBall X]: i remember one of my first few amvs using nowhere,i have to remake that amv again someday ^^ [Forlorn Hope]: realism this is not [AlexShadow]: lol [Okoa]: Realism? Nonsense! Who needs that? [MartAnimE]: Madlax is not human [Duvet]: Actaully Elenore's skirt is quite roomy [Okoa]: I like how Friday keeps talking even after he's killed the person he was talking to. [Forlorn Hope]: [Duvet]: so her kicks are quite possible [ChronoBall X]: finished part 1 [MartAnimE]: he has an audience to entertain [Forlorn Hope]: finished part 1 [AlexShadow]: finished Part 1 [Duvet]: remember I do own the rainment of Elenore [MartAnimE]: dramatic guy like him and all [Forlorn Hope]: starting part 2 [MartAnimE]: I'm finished too [MartAnimE]: part 2 go! [Okoa]: Sweet, final showdown between Madlax and Limelda. :3 [Duvet]: or is it raiment? [MartAnimE]: but they're not even trying [Okoa]: Raiment. [Duvet]: [Duvet]: yeah I'm there [MartAnimE]: oh cute flashback now ^^ [Forlorn Hope]: lol [AlexShadow]: Dance with the Devil by the Pale Moonlight [Forlorn Hope]: promise to stay with me forever ;_; [Okoa]: I like this duel they have here. [Forlorn Hope]: card time [MartAnimE]: that was so randomly cute [MartAnimE]: [Forlorn Hope]: lol they just shoot off strands of each other's hair [AlexShadow]: shot in the back, how low [MartAnimE]: I still don't get what does Limelda want [Okoa]: Yeah, they're standing at point blank. [Forlorn Hope]: you're waisting bullets [AlexShadow]: ah I want this piano piece [AlexShadow]: also unreleased [Forlorn Hope]: limelda's motive never was logical .. [MartAnimE]: I said they weren't even trying [Forlorn Hope]: *wasting [Okoa]: I think she just wants to finish her rivalry with Madlax. [MartAnimE]: ah poor Elenore, you should have jumped  [MartAnimE]: ah poor Elenore, you should have jumped [Duvet]: i know [Okoa]: That's what rivals do, they fight. ^^ [Duvet]: [Forlorn Hope]: she just takes it too far ^^ [ChronoBall X]: yeah,poor elenore [MartAnimE]: but if she wanted to defeat Madlax she wasn't really trying on this last fight [MartAnimE]: she just wants to keep playing cat and mouse I guess [Duvet]: part of is screaming at her to get up...to survive... [Okoa]: I guess so. Because what fun is a rivalry after it's over? [Duvet]: I don't want her to give up.... [AlexShadow]: done with part 2 [Forlorn Hope]: pretty field of flowers though *-* [Duvet]: she survived all that..to end up like that [AlexShadow]: what a way to go [ChronoBall X]: yeah,it's sad [ChronoBall X]: finished part 2 [MartAnimE]: done now [MartAnimE]: on to part 3 [Forlorn Hope]: finished part 2 [Duvet]: she broke free [Okoa]: Oops. ^^ She hesitated. [Forlorn Hope]: give her back, b***h [Duvet]: nothing but love.... [ChronoBall X]: Kill the BAA%%%%stard [MartAnimE]: shoot him in the knees   [Forlorn Hope]: oh shit.. [AlexShadow]: shoot him in the head [Okoa]: She's hesitating again. ^^' [AlexShadow]: Elenore aint no gold digger [noirlax]: yeh she has no shovel. [MartAnimE]: hey Riki [Okoa]: On the other hand, the afterlife looks like a pretty swell place. ^^ [ChronoBall X]: .lol [Duvet]: very pretty pink skies and all [MartAnimE]: I don't think it looks that great, it's just flowers ^^; [ChronoBall X]: poor elenore [MartAnimE]: nuh I'm kidding, it's symbolic [AlexShadow]: flowers are nice [Duvet]: but where are her parents? where is her grandpa? [Okoa]: You never know. There could be a nice restaurant nearby. [Forlorn Hope]: :*( [MartAnimE]: a restaurat that serves pasta [ChronoBall X]: could be a possability adam [MartAnimE]: I think maybe the flower field was just for people who died in Gazth Sonika? [Okoa]: Indeed. They can hire Elenore as a chef. [ChronoBall X]: R.I.P elenore,you were an awsome protective maid [Forlorn Hope]: she looks so peaceful.. [MartAnimE]: Madlax has horrible timing ^^; [ChronoBall X]: indeed she does mart ^^ [Forlorn Hope]: yeah ^^ [Duvet]: no shiit she has crappy timing [AlexShadow]: terrible [Okoa]: Elenore died honorably. ^^ [noirlax]: hey guys, I can't watch so I was just posting and keeping my mouth shut. [Duvet]: need to blow my nose here [Forlorn Hope]: end ep [MartAnimE]: yeah she did and she proved Friday wrong [Duvet]: she did [ChronoBall X]: she could have served you the best pasta on the planet okoa,she did with loyalty [Duvet]: that she did [AlexShadow]: ed ep [MartAnimE]: episode finished now [Okoa]: I think Elenore would be satisfied with her death. She died protecting Margaret, after all. [noirlax]: Chrono after Okoa goes to your room for misbehaving of course [ChronoBall X]: .lol [Okoa]: lol [AlexShadow]: what ? [Okoa]: [ChronoBall X]: i don't get it [noirlax]: lol just saying Okoa can have Elenore's pasta but only after he is grounded. [AlexShadow]: yeah usually Chrono is the one baffeling us [noirlax]: I baffle too [Okoa]: Oh. Indeed, I wonder how her pasta can stand the test! [ChronoBall X]: i can be funny sometimes,but even this joke i did'nt get from riki.lol [noirlax]: Have to watch those eps at home ^^; [MartAnimE]: so 26?   [noirlax]: I forgot to change to "his room" [AlexShadow]: everyone ready for 26? [Duvet]: not yet [noirlax]: enjoy, sigh. [Bulmafox]: Not yet [Duvet]: please give me a few moments [Okoa]: Yeah, guess so. Lemme get past the OP. [Forlorn Hope]: ready [ChronoBall X]: hold on wait for me,gonna get me some chicken,be back in a flash [AlexShadow]: ok [Okoa]: Look out for psycho chickens. [AlexShadow]: in the mean time Puppies! http://i59.photobucket.com /albums/g310/AShadow17/Other%20Pictures/168488_491470381147_713776147_ 6554248_4427943_n.jpg [Okoa]: Dogglies :dog: [Forlorn Hope]: awww [AlexShadow]: [MartAnimE]: aww [MartAnimE]: bow-wow-wow :dog: [noirlax]: :skull: :dog: [ChronoBall X]: ok,ready when you are [ChronoBall X]: awwww cute puppies ^^ [MartAnimE]: I want those puppies [MartAnimE]: it's a complete set! [MartAnimE]: one of each colour [Okoa]: They fill the rainbow. :dog: [noirlax]: batteries not included [ChronoBall X]: :dog: [Forlorn Hope]: gotta catch'em all marta [MartAnimE]: yes I have [ChronoBall X]: i dn't think dogs eat skittles.lol [Duvet]: okay...i'm ready to watch ep 26 [noirlax]: but they should [Okoa]: :D [AlexShadow]: Taste The Rainbow ChronoBall X]: ok, sheila [Forlorn Hope]: ok [MartAnimE]: oh ok [noirlax]: you guys can only go on the traffic light. [Okoa]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: more puppy pics.. ok this is just farah today trying to rest http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a118/fhscreencaps/IMG_2810.jpg [AlexShadow]: Cuuuuute [Okoa]: Dawwwww. [Duvet]: awww [MartAnimE]: aww she looks sound asleep [MartAnimE]: I hope she's feeling better [ChronoBall X]: cute ^^ [Forlorn Hope]: she slept most of the day but she's feeling better now [MartAnimE]: good ^^ [ChronoBall X]: thats nice to hear [AlexShadow]: Messanger is a Piece of Crap [Forlorn Hope]: msn? [AlexShadow]: yeah [MartAnimE]: it can be at times [Forlorn Hope]: I don't really use it anymore :whistle: [ChronoBall X]: me neither [AlexShadow]: still have other friends on it so I do [Okoa]: MSN still works for me so I still use it. [ChronoBall X]: funny cat picture a href="http://gigapress.com/b/dscat.jpg" target="_blank" style="color:#FFFFFF">http://gigapress.com/b/dscat.jpg [Bulmafox]: Back [ChronoBall X]: http://gigapress.com/b/dscat.jpg [MartAnimE]: you have other friends Alex? you traitor [ChronoBall X]: wb sheila [AlexShadow]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: wb sheila [MartAnimE]: wb [Okoa]: lol [Okoa]: wb [Bulmafox]: Thanks [AlexShadow]: cute cat [MartAnimE]: so now we can start? [Forlorn Hope]: [AlexShadow]: I already went through Part 1 [Okoa]: Sure. [Forlorn Hope]: what :0 [Okoa]: You were watching it this whole time? [Duvet]: or is it raiment? [MartAnimE]: but they're not even trying [Okoa]: Raiment. [Duvet]: [Duvet]: yeah I'm there [MartAnimE]: oh cute flashback now ^^ [Forlorn Hope]: lol [AlexShadow]: Dance with the Devil by the Pale Moonlight [Forlorn Hope]: promise to stay with me forever ;_; [Okoa]: I like this duel they have here. [Forlorn Hope]: card time [MartAnimE]: that was so randomly cute [MartAnimE]: [Forlorn Hope]: lol they just shoot off strands of each other's hair [AlexShadow]: shot in the back, how low [MartAnimE]: I still don't get what does Limelda want [Okoa]: Yeah, they're standing at point blank. [Forlorn Hope]: you're waisting bullets [AlexShadow]: ah I want this piano piece [AlexShadow]: also unreleased [Forlorn Hope]: limelda's motive never was logical .. [MartAnimE]: I said they weren't even trying [Forlorn Hope]: *wasting [Okoa]: I think she just wants to finish her rivalry with Madlax. [MartAnimE]: ah poor Elenore, you should have jumped [Duvet]: i know [Okoa]: That's what rivals do, they fight. ^^ [Duvet]: [Forlorn Hope]: she just takes it too far ^^ [ChronoBall X]: yeah,poor elenore [MartAnimE]: but if she wanted to defeat Madlax she wasn't really trying on this last fight [MartAnimE]: she just wants to keep playing cat and mouse I guess [Duvet]: part of is screaming at her to get up...to survive... [Okoa]: I guess so. Because what fun is a rivalry after it's over? [Duvet]: I don't want her to give up.... [AlexShadow]: done with part 2 [Forlorn Hope]: pretty field of flowers though *-* [Duvet]: she survived all that..to end up like that [AlexShadow]: what a way to go [ChronoBall X]: yeah,it's sad [ChronoBall X]: finished part 2 [MartAnimE]: done now [MartAnimE]: on to part 3 [Forlorn Hope]: finished part 2 [Duvet]: she broke free [Okoa]: Oops. ^^ She hesitated. [Forlorn Hope]: give her back, b***h [Duvet]: nothing but love.... [ChronoBall X]: Kill the BAA%%%%stard [MartAnimE]: shoot him in the knees   [Forlorn Hope]: oh shit.. [AlexShadow]: shoot him in the head [Okoa]: She's hesitating again. ^^' [AlexShadow]: Elenore aint no gold digger [noirlax]: yeh she has no shovel. [MartAnimE]: hey Riki [Okoa]: On the other hand, the afterlife looks like a pretty swell place. ^^ [ChronoBall X]: .lol [Duvet]: very pretty pink skies and all [MartAnimE]: I don't think it looks that great, it's just flowers ^^; [ChronoBall X]: poor elenore [MartAnimE]: nuh I'm kidding, it's symbolic [AlexShadow]: flowers are nice [Duvet]: but where are her parents? where is her grandpa? [Okoa]: You never know. There could be a nice restaurant nearby. [Forlorn Hope]: :*( [MartAnimE]: a restaurat that serves pasta [ChronoBall X]: could be a possability adam [MartAnimE]: I think maybe the flower field was just for people who died in Gazth Sonika? [Okoa]: Indeed. They can hire Elenore as a chef. [ChronoBall X]: R.I.P elenore,you were an awsome protective maid [Forlorn Hope]: she looks so peaceful.. [MartAnimE]: Madlax has horrible timing ^^; [ChronoBall X]: indeed she does mart ^^ [Forlorn Hope]: yeah ^^ [Duvet]: no shiit she has crappy timing [AlexShadow]: terrible [Okoa]: Elenore died honorably. ^^ [noirlax]: hey guys, I can't watch so I was just posting and keeping my mouth shut. [Duvet]: need to blow my nose here [Forlorn Hope]: end ep [MartAnimE]: yeah she did and she proved Friday wrong [Duvet]: she did [ChronoBall X]: she could have served you the best pasta on the planet okoa,she did with loyalty [Duvet]: that she did [AlexShadow]: ed ep [MartAnimE]: episode finished now [Okoa]: I think Elenore would be satisfied with her death. She died protecting Margaret, after all. [noirlax]: Chrono after Okoa goes to your room for misbehaving of course [ChronoBall X]: .lol [Okoa]: lol [AlexShadow]: what ? [Okoa]: [ChronoBall X]: i don't get it [noirlax]: lol just saying Okoa can have Elenore's pasta but only after he is grounded. [AlexShadow]: yeah usually Chrono is the one baffeling us [noirlax]: I baffle too [Okoa]: Oh. Indeed, I wonder how her pasta can stand the test! [ChronoBall X]: i can be funny sometimes,but even this joke i did'nt get from riki.lol [noirlax]: Have to watch those eps at home ^^; [MartAnimE]: so 26?   [noirlax]: I forgot to change to "his room" [AlexShadow]: everyone ready for 26? [Duvet]: not yet [noirlax]: enjoy, sigh. [Bulmafox]: Not yet [Duvet]: please give me a few moments [Okoa]: Yeah, guess so. Lemme get past the OP. [Forlorn Hope]: ready [ChronoBall X]: hold on wait for me,gonna get me some chicken,be back in a flash [AlexShadow]: ok [Okoa]: Look out for psycho chickens. [AlexShadow]: in the mean time Puppies! http://i59.photobucket.com /albums/g310/AShadow17/Other%20Pictures/168488_491470381147_713776147_ 6554248_4427943_n.jpg [Okoa]: Dogglies [Forlorn Hope]: awww [AlexShadow]: [MartAnimE]: aww [MartAnimE]: bow-wow-wow [noirlax]: [ChronoBall X]: ok,ready when you are [ChronoBall X]: awwww cute puppies ^^ [MartAnimE]: I want those puppies [MartAnimE]: it's a complete set! [MartAnimE]: one of each colour [Okoa]: They fill the rainbow. [noirlax]: batteries not included [ChronoBall X]: [Forlorn Hope]: gotta catch'em all marta [MartAnimE]: yes I have [ChronoBall X]: i dn't think dogs eat skittles.lol [Duvet]: okay...i'm ready to watch ep 26 [noirlax]: but they should [Okoa]: [AlexShadow]: Taste The Rainbow [ChronoBall X]: i'm ready too [MartAnimE]: I'm ready and set [AlexShadow]: starting [MartAnimE]: waiting for the go~! [Bulmafox]: brb, bathroom [ChronoBall X]: ok, sheila [Forlorn Hope]: ok [MartAnimE]: oh ok [noirlax]: you guys can only go on the traffic light. [Okoa]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: more puppy pics.. ok this is just farah today trying to rest http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a118/fhscreencaps/IMG_2810.jpg [AlexShadow]: Cuuuuute [Okoa]: Dawwwww. [Duvet]: awww [MartAnimE]: aww she looks sound asleep [MartAnimE]: I hope she's feeling better [ChronoBall X]: cute ^^ [Forlorn Hope]: she slept most of the day but she's feeling better now [MartAnimE]: good ^^ [ChronoBall X]: thats nice to hear [AlexShadow]: Messanger is a Piece of Crap [Forlorn Hope]: msn? [AlexShadow]: yeah [MartAnimE]: it can be at times [Forlorn Hope]: I don't really use it anymore   [ChronoBall X]: me neither [AlexShadow]: still have other friends on it so I do [Okoa]: MSN still works for me so I still use it. [ChronoBall X]: funny cat picture a href="http://gigapress.com/b/dscat.jpg" target="_blank" style="color:#FFFFFF">http://gigapress.com/b/dscat.jpg [Bulmafox]: Back [ChronoBall X]: http://gigapress.com/b/dscat.jpg [MartAnimE]: you have other friends Alex? you traitor [ChronoBall X]: wb sheila [AlexShadow]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: wb sheila [MartAnimE]: wb [Okoa]: lol [Okoa]: wb [Bulmafox]: Thanks [AlexShadow]: cute cat [MartAnimE]: so now we can start? [Forlorn Hope]: [AlexShadow]: I already went through Part 1 [Okoa]: Sure. [Forlorn Hope]: what :0 [Okoa]: You were watching it this whole time? [AlexShadow]: yep [MartAnimE]: you were watching it on MSN with your other friends [Forlorn Hope]: ruuude [Okoa]: lol [ChronoBall X]: alex is;nt a traitot.Xd [Bulmafox]: Well now that defeats the purpose of a group watch [Bulmafox]: Watch it again! [Forlorn Hope]: lol Bulmafox cracks whip [Forlorn Hope]: I see how it is.. [noirlax]: lol [AlexShadow]: not my fault Sheila can't hold it [Okoa]: He's not a traitot. He's a traitor! [Bulmafox]: Carefull...do you want me to pee on you? [Bulmafox]: Cause I can [Forlorn Hope]: X3 [noirlax]: don't worry I'll be watching alone ^^; [MartAnimE]: let's not go there ^^; [Okoa]: lol [ChronoBall X]: error typo.lol [AlexShadow]: I'll hold on part 2 so you better get watching [Forlorn Hope]: starting then [MartAnimE]: we'll let you know when we get to part 2 Alex ^^ [Okoa]: Nah, we're gonna take our time. [Forlorn Hope]: lol [Bulmafox]: [AlexShadow]: you're gonna start watching with out telling me aren't you [ChronoBall X]: already startted [MartAnimE]: no I won't [Okoa]: Alright, whatever. I'll start now. [MartAnimE]: oh I already started [MartAnimE]: but I'll tell you when I get to part 2 [Okoa]: This is why we have a countdown. [Forlorn Hope]: plot twistz [Okoa]: Friday death #1 [Okoa]: I think? [AlexShadow]: should we start a drinking game [MartAnimE]: Carrossea killed him before remember [Okoa]: No, I don't remember any of the past episodes. [noirlax]: watch them again [noirlax]: what do you want to drink Alex? [MartAnimE]: well that was me at the .hack//SIGN marathon ^^; [Okoa]: Perhaps I will sometime. ^^ [Forlorn Hope]: become one with me.. my mind is dirty [ChronoBall X]: finished part 1 [AlexShadow]: Dirty Brooke is Dirty [Okoa]: [MartAnimE]: lol think straight thoughts Brooke! [ChronoBall X]: if brooke and marta drink,than they;re the dirty pair.lol [Forlorn Hope]: pssf I've been pretty clueless at all the bt parties but I remember madlax better than .hack//sign [Forlorn Hope]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: finished part 1 [MartAnimE]: finished too [Okoa]: Where does part 1 end? [noirlax]: I think it's because of this one with me carro doon had to go [Forlorn Hope]: telling her to decide whether she wants to become one with them or not [AlexShadow]: Margaret says "And I lost Poor Elenore" [Bulmafox]: Finished part 2 [Okoa]: Oh, okies. [Bulmafox]: I mean 1 [MartAnimE]: Margaret doesn't want to kill Madlax [Bulmafox]: :whistle:   [Okoa]: lol [Duvet]: :( [MartAnimE]: let's start part 2? [ChronoBall X]: i'm on part 2 [AlexShadow]: starting [Forlorn Hope]: starting [Bulmafox]: starting [MartAnimE]: go-! [Okoa]: Oh shoot, I'm ahead. I'll pause. [Okoa]: Let me know when Margaret picks up the doll and I'll unpause. [Forlorn Hope]: it was so weird watchiing this for the first time. I never thought in a million years that those three were the same person ^^ [Okoa]: lol, yeah. [AlexShadow]: heeeee's baaaack [Okoa]: Feeeeeeeeeeeeriday! [ChronoBall X]: same here,it freaked me out the first time i watched this on dvd.lol [MartAnimE]: his clapping is annoying [noirlax]: If you're happy with the essence of mankind and you know it clap your hands [Okoa]: lol! [MartAnimE]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: x3 [Okoa]: Alright, I'm unpausing. [ChronoBall X]: lol [ChronoBall X]: the pretty colors again.lol [Forlorn Hope]: the colors *-* [MartAnimE]: lol you sounds like you're on drugs James [Okoa]: [AlexShadow]: who spiked the punch [Forlorn Hope]:   [ChronoBall X]: I don't think even rainbow brite would wanna visit sonica.lol [MartAnimE]: oh I love when Margaret says "you're a stupid person" to Friday [MartAnimE]: I didn't remember this [Forlorn Hope]: me too [MartAnimE]: I think it's slightly different in Japanese [MartAnimE]: but this works pretty well     [Forlorn Hope]: pose time [Okoa]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: I'm a bad girl, friday monday [ChronoBall X]: well,thats what happens when you watch an english dub,sometimes the english dialouge is fun.lol [MartAnimE]: Margaret is pretty cool in this episode! [Okoa]: Friday death #3 [AlexShadow]: she's a little badass [noirlax]: Friday Monday knows you are Brooke [Duvet]: Margaret kicks butt here [Okoa]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: she's not sleeping mid fight at least [MartAnimE]: she's pwning Friday [AlexShadow]: done [Forlorn Hope]: finished part 2 [AlexShadow]: with part 2 [Duvet]: Now to do what she had better do...... [ChronoBall X]: PWDED/.lol [AlexShadow]: starting 3 [MartAnimE]: done with part 2 [MartAnimE]: on to 3! [Forlorn Hope]: yay [ChronoBall X]: going to part 3 [MartAnimE]: oh side guns yay! [Forlorn Hope]: why won't he die.. [ChronoBall X]: i wish yuki would compose more songs like this like nowhere [MartAnimE]: he did he did! [Okoa]: I'm still foggy on this. Where were they when Margaret and Madlax fused and how did it allow Friday to cheat death three times? [Forlorn Hope]: whine whine whine.. that's all he does [MartAnimE]: serisouly [AlexShadow]: When Margaret killed her father the powers of the books split her into two personalities [Okoa]: Yeah, I know that part. [MartAnimE]: I think Margaret was still inside that door and Madlax was out there in the real world [Forlorn Hope]: lol these flowers are very beautiful don't you think [Forlorn Hope]: oh doon.. [MartAnimE]: I love the song that plays at 4:28 [ChronoBall X]: if theyre that beautiful,than it must be paradise afterall.lol [AlexShadow]: come to think of it, her wish might have been for MADLAX to remain seperate [Okoa]: Ah, maybe. [Duvet]: She brought Elenore and Vanessa back to life [Duvet]: if Chuckles and Doon can do it why couldn't Elenore and Vanessa [MartAnimE]: you really wanna leave Carrossea out [Okoa]: I wonder how (and where) Margaret will live now that there's no Elenore or Vanessa around. [MartAnimE]: I think if she ressurected them she would have ressurected the three of them [AlexShadow]: either return to Nafrece or remain in Galza [Forlorn Hope]: pasta [MartAnimE]: unless there's a rule that says you can'0t bring someone back to life more than once [Duvet]: she res them [MartAnimE]: I'm pretty sure she would return to Nafrece anyways [Forlorn Hope]: fin [ChronoBall X]: madlax loves pasta.lol [ChronoBall X]: just like okoa.lol [Okoa]: She probably would, but Madlax would stay in Gazth-Sonika, I would think. [Okoa]: Yes. [MartAnimE]: and it ends with that loud crazy chanting [Duvet]: most likely she would stay in GS [AlexShadow]: kind of kills the mood [MartAnimE]: yeah Madlax would [noirlax]: which chanting? [MartAnimE]: after Madlax finished talking [Okoa]: I can't see Margaret functioning back in Nafrece without a caretaker. [Duvet]: of course Elenore (alive of course) would go back with her [noirlax]: I can't watch so its from memory [MartAnimE]: oh you'll see it when you watch it [MartAnimE]: brb     [Okoa]: Except we don't see Elenore come back to life so it's all up for interpretation. ^^ [Okoa]: Otay. [ChronoBall X]: ok marta [Forlorn Hope]: ok [noirlax]: ok [Duvet]: Elenore is alive and well....and that's that [Bulmafox]: Done! [Okoa]: Alive and well in that little grassland anyway. [Duvet]: do not make want to hurt Okoa [ChronoBall X]: lol [Duvet]: *make me *hurt you [noirlax]: time to put Okoa on the pasta bottle [AlexShadow]: brb [Duvet]: I will brook no arguement on that point [Okoa]: [ChronoBall X]: ok alex [Forlorn Hope]: ok [Okoa]: You wanna believe that, go ahead. [Okoa]: I won't pull any skin off your back for your own interpretation. [ChronoBall X]: brb too guys [Okoa]: Okies. [noirlax]: ok [Forlorn Hope]: k [Elenore's &Margie's house]: ChronoBall X has left at 1:01 am [MartAnimE]: ok back [Okoa]: That was enjoyable. ^^ [Duvet]: wb [Okoa]: wb [MartAnimE]: so what did we learn watching Madlax today?     [noirlax]: wb I feel so incomplete until I finish it ^^; [Duvet]: I still cry with ep 24 [Okoa]: I still have many questions. [Duvet]: Elenore is alive [MartAnimE]: aww poor Riki [Forlorn Hope]: don't mess with maids .. [Duvet]: Elenore survived........ [MartAnimE]: what questions, Okoa? [Okoa]: Well, they all probably come from only watching a few disjointed episodes. [noirlax]: Madlax will be even more badass if she becomes a maid. [Okoa]: I'm sure I'd have a better grip on it if I watched the whole thing. [MartAnimE]: yeah probably [Duvet]: well watch the whole thing [Okoa]: Someday I will. [MartAnimE]: maybe Madlax can become Limelda's maid ^^; [MartAnimE]: oh god that gives me an horrible mental image [Okoa]: [noirlax]: that just has excited fanboys all over it if you ask me [MartAnimE]: do not want [Duvet]: there is one maid..... [Bulmafox]: I need Madlax Cliff Notes with me at all times [MartAnimE]: cliff notes? [noirlax]: Cliff notes? [Okoa]: lol [MartAnimE]: jinx! [Forlorn Hope]: ^^ [MartAnimE]: you owe me a soda! [Okoa]: Madlax is far from the most confusing thing I've seen, but there are still a few parts that require interpretation. [noirlax]: again ^^; [noirlax]: like what Okoa? [MartAnimE]: yeah it's not a very objective anime [MartAnimE]: but that's part of the appeal [noirlax]: I kinda made up my mind on what Madlax is about but there are many interpretations. [MartAnimE]: chat is lagging terribly [MartAnimE]: I need to refresh [Okoa]: Well, things like Friday's multiple resurrections and how the three remained separate once they came back to the real world. ^^ [Elenore's &Margie's house]: MartAnimE has left at 1:09 am [The Manor]: MartAnimE has entered at 1:09 am [Duvet]: don't argue with me about Elenore [Elenore's &Margie's house]: MartAnimE has entered at 1:09 am [MartAnimE]: poke [MartAnimE]: okies better [Okoa]: Sure, whatever. [Okoa]: wb [Duvet]: wb [noirlax]: wb [MartAnimE]: whatever? [Okoa]: I was referring to Kari's statement. ^^ [MartAnimE]: oh you're still going at it ^^; [Okoa]: Nah, it's all in good taste. [Okoa]: I guess I operate on a "dead until proven alive" mindset, at least generally. [MartAnimE]: allrighty then     [Bulmafox]: Oh, about the cliff notes thing, I meant that most of Madlax becomes a haze to me and I needfrequent reminders of what happened [Duvet]: alive until proven dead [Duvet]: then I drag out the phoniex down [Duvet]: or how ever you spell it [MartAnimE]: phoenix down [Okoa]: A gunshot to the back is sufficient evidence for me. [Duvet]: hey, if Friday can get 3 times, why can't Elenore [MartAnimE]: I think the doubt is wether they were brought back to life or not [MartAnimE]: oh there's no question they died Okoa [Duvet]: *get up 3 times [MartAnimE]: and chat inverted the order sorry [Okoa]: I dunno about Friday, that's what I'm trying to figure out. ^^' [noirlax]: He has some Gift. [noirlax]: ? [Okoa]: At first, I thought that when the three united, they went back in time or something? [Duvet]: I know they died...i'm just saying that Margaret res'ed them [MartAnimE]: Friday had the gift or he was special like Madlax and Margaret [AlexShadow]: it was a Virtual Friday looks like he was operating some sort of Virtual Reality interface before MADLAX confronts him in the Church [noirlax]: and Carrossea I might add Marta ^^ [MartAnimE]: yup Carrossea [Okoa]: That could've been it too. ^^ It's as good of an explanation as any. [MartAnimE]: Madlax was shot and her wound healed on its own [AlexShadow]: or because he was killed in the Other Reality [AlexShadow]: that he didn't die until he returned from the other side [noirlax]: that's possible and maybe because he finally lost faith in his POV. [Okoa]: I noticed when he came back, his eyepiece was gone. [MartAnimE]: yeah Riki, I can kinda see that [Okoa]: Yeah, maybe. [MartAnimE]: his arguments were proved wrong so he lost a bit of his power maybe [Duvet]: Elenore proved him wrong [Duvet]: and so did Margie and Madlax [MartAnimE]: Elenore, Vanessa, Madlax and Margaret [noirlax]: I think it was Margaret/Madlax primarily but the others had a chink on his armour. [MartAnimE]: yup agreed [MartAnimE]: but Limelda kinda proved his theory [MartAnimE]: she was random insane and acting on instinct without any sort of moral restraint [noirlax]: nah I disagree, the essence of Limelda was gun dancing with Madlax. [MartAnimE]: the two of them would have gotten along [Okoa]: I guess she just wanted to continue her rivalry with Madlax. [Okoa]: Yeah, like Riki said. [MartAnimE]: Madlax was a lot stronger than her [MartAnimE]: at the end [MartAnimE]: so she wasn't as much as a rival as she was a nuisance [MartAnimE]: Madlax treated her kinda condescendingly [Okoa]: I dunno, they were on pretty even ground throughout the whole thing. [Duvet]: and because of her two good people died [noirlax]: For m she was sort of interesting she kinda abandoned everything she believed in about the GS army and said oh look the only thing I want out of life is to take on Madlax. [MartAnimE]: anyways, that proves what Friday was saying about people [MartAnimE]: Limelda was pursuing her true nature while disregarding everything else [Okoa]: Yeah, I think so too Riki. [Bulmafox]: I think Madlax liked the attention shegot from Limelda [MartAnimE]: so there you have it     [Okoa]: Yeah, she does work as a symbol for what Friday was talking about. ^^ [noirlax]: I'm not sure what does Friday say about the essence of people? Bulmafox]: That people want to kill [Duvet]: did anyone saved this? [Bulmafox]: Yes [Bulmafox]: I just need to know when to stop [Bulmafox]: It's almost at 200 lines! [Duvet]: oh [Okoa]: You may wanna save this as it is, just in case you fall. ^^ [Duvet]: I think we can stop [Bulmafox]: *2000 lines! [noirlax]: That's the thing I'm not sure if Limelda wants to kill her as much as yay I pwned you Madlax. [Bulmafox]: Sorry, left off a 0 [Okoa]: Oh, 2000! [MartAnimE]: I think what Friday wanted was humanity to do whatever they please [MartAnimE]: wether it's killing or whatever [Bulmafox]: It's over two THOUSANDDD! [MartAnimE]: and surprisingly a lot of people in that country had a violent nature [Bulmafox]: No but really, it's at 1996 lines right now [MartAnimE]: ok not that surprisingly [Okoa]: Yeah, not that big of a surprise. [Duvet]: Elenore proved him wrong; she could've shot the soldier but she didn't . [noirlax]: He believed in animal instincts as the primary essence I suppose. [Okoa]: But 1996 lines...that's pretty impressive! [MartAnimE]: still there were people who did not have that violent nature in them [Duvet]: She could've shot Margaret but she didn't [Duvet]: She could've shot Friday but she didn't [MartAnimE]: yeah Elenore was one of those poeple [Okoa]: Yeah, he could've played it safe and said most people possess that instinct. ^^ Instead of eveyrone. [noirlax]: I keep going into the existence precedes essence, ppl are what they want to be rather than what they have to be. [Duvet]: Friday said it himself "her essence is nothing but love..." [MartAnimE]: so in his mind he was sort of liberating people [noirlax]: I'm going to defend Limelda as sane and making a rational choice to choose her life path.      [noirlax]: yeh I agree Marta. [Okoa]: Indeed. [MartAnimE]: though in reality it was more like drugging the weak willed influencable masses into spreading chaos and destruction      [MartAnimE]: he should have just written a book or something      [Duvet]: that would've been better than war [MartAnimE]: :book: [noirlax]: Don't be so hard on the masses      [Duvet]: think we should stop now? We got to be over 2000 lines by now [Okoa]: He's something of an anarchist. [noirlax]: But this is interesting, yeh he is to me but an anarchist wants chaos in govt rather than ppl. [Bulmafox]: An anarchist wants no government at all [Okoa]: Well, not entirely. Anarchy is basically the lack of government at all. [Okoa]: And without a government, people basically won't know how to function. So it does kinda lead to chaos. [noirlax]: yeh that's how it seems to be. [noirlax]: I have to ponder and write this as an essay someday maybe, about Friday's ideas. I don't disagree with him 100%, maybe 80-90%. [Okoa]: I've always liked Friday. I thought his grand scheme was interesting. ^^ [MartAnimE]: yeah write it down and post it at the forum ^^ [Okoa]: Yeah, his methods are unethcial, but his ideology isn't entirely false. noirlax]: I generally agree with you Okoa on that. [AlexShadow]: shoudl we be afraid of Okoa [Duvet]: I have Elenore [MartAnimE]: I just think you gotta draw a line between your thoughts and your actions at times, Friday crossed that line           [Duvet]: so I'm not afraid of Okioes [MartAnimE]: he was insane because he took a philosophy which btw is noit original at all, and he tried to make it happen      [MartAnimE]: that's totally pretentious and delusional      [MartAnimE]: in my opinion [Duvet]: agreed [MartAnimE]: I think he had too much free time aswell      [MartAnimE]: and money      [Okoa]: I thought he had an interesting plot, and even if his philosophy isn't original, that doesn't make it any less true. [MartAnimE]: as all super villains do [MartAnimE]: I don't condemn him for his ideology Okoa      [noirlax]: He was simplistic, just because morals are false doesn't mean you have to beat ppl to a pulp and set them on fire. At least BT villains are fun they are bad for art, principles, so high minded      [MartAnimE]: just for his actions      [MartAnimE]: people are free to think whatever they want [MartAnimE]: as long as they're not hurting anyone [noirlax]: I think he was helping them like Altena ^^; [noirlax]: *I think he thought he was* [Duvet]: yeah and we all know how that turned out [MartAnimE]: yeah he was "helping" them allright      [Okoa]: Yeah, he was kinda like Altena, I guess. Only a tad more extreme.      [Okoa]: Well, I had fun. [noirlax]: so did Friday      [Okoa]: Yes, I'm sure he did.      [MartAnimE]: fun rewatch party yeah        [Duvet]: it's been a fun night [AlexShadow]: Friday did have fun didn't he [Bulmafox]: Yay!        [Duvet]: Yay!! [noirlax]: I haven't had as much fun as I wanted ^^; [Okoa]: Awww.      [Forlorn Hope]:        [noirlax]: time to go and rewatch. [Okoa]: I'm surprised we didn't do this on the weekend. [MartAnimE]: poor Riki [Duvet]: awww [MartAnimE]: next madlax rewatch must be on the weekend ^^; [Duvet]: well you dumped it in my lap [noirlax]: that's ok. [MartAnimE]: yeah if I didn't have a day off tomorrow I couldn't have stayed up this late either [Bulmafox]: I'm not surprised [Bulmafox]: This is Kari's birthday celebration [Duvet]: so I picked the most conveinent day...     [noirlax]: well of course [Okoa]: Indeed. [Okoa]: Well, we'll have more. ^^ [AlexShadow]: so El Cazador on Mardi Gras anyone? [Bulmafox]: Not until 2010 [Duvet]: I could've stayed on DDO but I wanted to rewatch Madlax with my "family" [noirlax]: I'm going to go and watch sounds like the best thing to do. [AlexShadow]: or Cinco De Mayo whatever comes first?   [Bulmafox]: If the other GwG series are of any indication [Okoa]: But it's 2011. [MartAnimE]: we're in 2011 now [AlexShadow]: and besides that El Cazador is set in 2007 [MartAnimE]: I'm glad we all watched it together Kari! ^^ [Bulmafox]: What proof is there? [Bulmafox]: And I'm sorry, I meand 2012 [MartAnimE]: there's a date somewhere in one episode [MartAnimE]: ah yes the cat [MartAnimE]: the year the cat died [MartAnimE]: it's on the grave [Bulmafox]: Oh [MartAnimE]: and then the girl says the cat died last year so [Duvet]: Natasha [Bulmafox]: I'll have to look cloely when I get t othat episode [MartAnimE]: the grave says 2006 year of death [Duvet]: that's the girl's name [MartAnimE]: if that was last year they are in 2007 [Okoa]: I don't even remember that part. ^^' [Duvet]: I do [Duvet]: are you going to post this Sheila? [MartAnimE]: you're anxious about posting this [Duvet]: no [Duvet]: I have to get to bed [noirlax]: I'll be off, ciao [Bulmafox]: Yes [MartAnimE]: but yeah I guess we're done with Madlax discussion [Bulmafox]: I'm gonnapost it [MartAnimE]: oh ok [MartAnimE]: well good night then Kari and Riki [Duvet]: Good night and I love you all [Duvet]: ********** [AlexShadow]: night Kari [Forlorn Hope]: night kari. bye riki [AlexShadow]: and Riki [MartAnimE]: byes byes [noirlax]: good night [MartAnimE]: *** [Bulmafox]: 2063 lines in all [Bulmafox]: Good night Kari [noirlax]: *** [Okoa]: Good night Kari and Riki. ^^ [Okoa]: **** [Elenore's &Margie's house]: Duvet has left at 1:57 am [Bulmafox]: And good night Ricky [noirlax]: night [noirlax]: *** [Elenore's &Margie's house]: noirlax has left at 1:57 am [AlexShadow]: so shall we crash in Elenore and Margie's mansion a while longer or take to the mean streets of Nafrece? [MartAnimE]: let's go to the manor I guess [Elenore's &Margie's house]: MartAnimE has left at 1:58 am [Elenore's &Margie's house]: Forlorn Hope has left at 1:58 am [Elenore's &Margie's house]: AlexShadow has left at 1:58 am [Elenore's &Margie's house]: Okoa has left at 1:58 am