Welcome! You have entered [The Manor] at 8:15 pm [The Manor]: Bulmafox has entered at 8:15 pm [noirlax]: hi Sheila! [Bulmafox]: Happy Noir year! [MartAnimE]: hi Sheila [MartAnimE]: lol [MartAnimE]: Happy Noir Year [noirlax]: happy noir year [MartAnimE]: so I guess that means we can start the rewatch finally? [Bulmafox]: Not until more people get here [AlexShadow]: boy what are you going to do next year? [Bulmafox]: Just in case [AlexShadow]: and I already watched it though [Bulmafox]: a Madlax party [AlexShadow]: just saying next year is the full 10th Aniversary for Noir [Bulmafox]: Oh [Bulmafox]: Rigth [Bulmafox]: *right [Bulmafox]: I dont know then [MartAnimE]: yeah it is [MartAnimE]: we can do a commemorative fanwork submission thread [Bulmafox]: Sure [Bulmafox]: That sounds good [MartAnimE]: for AMVs, fanfics, fanarts and such [noirlax]: we'll have to watch other episodes too [MartAnimE]: sure [MartAnimE]: so who else are we waiting on? [MartAnimE]: Duncan said he'd watch sometime in the evening, it doesn't seem like he would join us [AlexShadow]: I still have to wait another two years (from now anyway) for a .hack// Party :U [MartAnimE]: what year does .hack//SIGN take place in? [noirlax]: It be worth the wait? [Bulmafox]: I think Duncan, Untrue,... [Bulmafox]: Let me see [Bulmafox]: 2010 [AlexShadow]: Oh [AlexShadow]: it's set early 2010 [Bulmafox]: Unfortunately, we aren't all in the same MMO [Bulmafox]: Or we could form a guild or something [MartAnimE]: well then you could have arranged for a commemoration [MartAnimE]: you can still do [Bulmafox]: True... [Bulmafox]: Untrue, Kavi, Gonzo, and Duncan [MartAnimE]: Alex why not make a poll thread and see what .hack//SIGN episodes people would like to rewatch? [AlexShadow]: Unfortunatley I'm already eclisped by the Noir Celebration [Bulmafox]: We can have one next month [MartAnimE]: geez that's just today [Bulmafox]: Or at the beginning of December, to allow for NaNoWriMo [MartAnimE]: we can have a .hack//SIGN one next week [AlexShadow]: I thought you were going to have many more after [MartAnimE]: nuh I don't think so [MartAnimE]: so please go ahead and make a thread if you'd like ^^ [Bulmafox]: I'm just having one this late becuse I just realized it's late 2010 and we haven't done anything to celebrate Noir [Bulmafox]: I have my tea, btw [Bulmafox]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bulmafox/5109106374/ [Bulmafox]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bulmafox/5109106342 [MartAnimE]: lol the fork! [Bulmafox]: Yes! [Bulmafox]: I still have the fork! [noirlax]: yay [noirlax]: I have statue pics which will I upload sometime. [Bulmafox]: Is it alright of I make a collage with them? [Bulmafox]: *if [noirlax]: yeah [MartAnimE]: sure [MartAnimE]: I was gonna edit my pics aswell [The Manor]: Koveras has entered at 8:35 pm [Koveras]: OK, finished now. [Koveras]: It sounds awesome. [Koveras]: Too bad MuseScore can't export Midi files. [noirlax]: for that song? [Koveras]: Oh wait, it can. O__o [MartAnimE]: what song? ^^; [Koveras]: Ananau. [Koveras]: http://rapidshare.com/files/426809490/Ananau.mid [Bulmafox]: Hey Koveras [The Manor]: UNtrue Noir has entered at 8:40 pm [Koveras]: Yo. [Bulmafox]: Untrue! [UNtrue Noir]: yo! [Bulmafox]: Glad you could make it! [noirlax]: hello untrue! [UNtrue Noir]: hi guys [Koveras]: The original song is a minute longer. [MartAnimE]: hi Tracy [Koveras]: But I cut out the parts because I was tired. [UNtrue Noir]: lol hi marta [Koveras]: And just slapped the opening part onto the end. [UNtrue Noir]: so how's this noir party going to work? [Koveras]: And a cadence on top of that. [Bulmafox]: I'm waiting until more people get here for the rewatch [Bulmafox]: Specifically Gonzo and Kavi [Bulmafox]: And whoever else decided to show up [UNtrue Noir]: i see [AlexShadow]: I already rewatched so no need to wait on me [Bulmafox]: Plus I'm trying to buy time for my surprise [Koveras]: Ah. [Bulmafox]: I'm not done with it yet [Forlorn Hope]: back! [UNtrue Noir]: i like surprises [Bulmafox]: In the meantime, have some tea: http://www.flickr.com/photo s/bulmafox/5109106374/ [noirlax]: I'll probably fall behind due to lunch and other ppl wanting the computer. I'll do my best. [Bulmafox]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bulmafox/5109106374 [noirlax]: [AlexShadow]: and besides that I don't have tea [UNtrue Noir]: lolol love itt [UNtrue Noir]: i'll take a picture too [The Manor]: Tahaan has entered at 8:44 pm [Bulmafox]: Aww, Ricky... [Bulmafox]: Hey Nathan [Bulmafox]: Come for our Noir party? [Tahaan]: LETTY/TSUMUGI FOREVER [noirlax]: hi Tahaan [Tahaan]: Yes, and also for Mikowitch. [Koveras]: Yup. [Tahaan]: Ask Koveras if you need an explanation. [Koveras]: Why me? [noirlax]: Sheila I'll watch as many eps as I can or I'll have catchup time afterwards [Tahaan]: As a karate exert, I would not talk about why Kotonoha no Miko to Kotodama no Majyo to is a great manga. [Bulmafox]: Oaky [Bulmafox]: I'll post links anyway [Bulmafox]: So you can catch up via that [noirlax]: thanks, I got my DVDs in force for the rewatch [MartAnimE]: DVD 2 on standby [noirlax]: Are we watching ep 6 first? [MartAnimE]: aren't we watching in order? [MartAnimE]: 6, 11, 13, 26 [MartAnimE]: or you wanna watch it Haruhi style? ^^; [noirlax]: just checking ^^ [MartAnimE]: oh are we watching the sub or the dub? [UNtrue Noir]: i'm watching it subbed [AlexShadow]: it shouldn't matter [MartAnimE]: or whichever each person prefer [AlexShadow]: subbed dubbed just take what you prefer [MartAnimE]: I'm watching the Japanese too [UNtrue Noir]: lol [noirlax]: I'm going sub but Noir's dub is high quality. [AlexShadow]: take what you like I watched it dubbed as usual [MartAnimE]: that it is [MartAnimE]: the only voice it felt a bit off to me was Kirika's, but that might just be my Houko Kuwashima bias ^^; [UNtrue Noir]: lol i feel the same way about it marta [noirlax]: brb [UNtrue Noir]: i think monica rial did the voice a little too waif-y [UNtrue Noir]: or maybe she just needed to speak up a little more lol [MartAnimE]: lol [Bulmafox]: I almost forgot! [Bulmafox]: Music! [Bulmafox]: Noir OST 1--http://www.youtube.com/user/haifischcrack#g/c/14C0C 63B620303BE Noir OST 2--http://www.youtube.com/user/jdaddictedchild#grid/user /CE48B1F021C917F8 Blanc Dans Noir--http://www.youtube.com/user/jdaddictedchild#grid/user /2F49BD1A61E0CAE4 [Bulmafox]: Apres le Noir--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkss4-XhL8o [Bulmafox]: Re: The rewatch--whichever way the watcher pervers (if they have the DVDs) [Bulmafox]: But I'm also gonna post links in case anyone doesn't have DVDs [Bulmafox]: And yeah, in order [Bulmafox]: *Prefers! [The Manor]: Forlorn Hope has left at 9:10 pm [The Manor]: Forlorn Hope has entered at 9:10 pm [UNtrue Noir]: so how's everyone been? [MartAnimE]: hiccup [Bulmafox]: hiccup [Bulmafox]: Okay [Bulmafox]: Hurried right now [MartAnimE]: I'm good [Bulmafox]: I'm trying to get done with my surprise [Bulmafox]: But I'm being so nitpicky [Forlorn Hope]: Just peachy :3 [MartAnimE]: I'm editing some pic aswell [UNtrue Noir]: i see [AlexShadow]: http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/501565299/pandaavatar_bigger.jpg [UNtrue Noir]: lol that's so creepy [Forlorn Hope]: lol [noirlax]: back pandzilla [Bulmafox]: Done! [Bulmafox]: http://bulmafox.deviantart.com/art/Noir-party-2010-183706695 [MartAnimE]: wb [AlexShadow]: wb Rikibearzilla [Bulmafox]: It's a wallpaper [noirlax]: ty [MartAnimE]: oh wow that panda looks so happy while destroying the city ^^; [UNtrue Noir]: i love it bulma [MartAnimE]: nice wallpaper! [Bulmafox]: Thanks! [UNtrue Noir]: lol it took me a while to realize that that was a 2 [Bulmafox]: I spent practically all day on it [Bulmafox]: I'll make a banner our of it later [noirlax]: brb [noirlax]: I'll be away actually. I'll catch up and watch the DVDs from the other comp. [Bulmafox]: Awww... [Bulmafox]: Okay Ricky [Bulmafox]: see you later [Forlorn Hope]: that's awesome :3 [MartAnimE]: aww [MartAnimE]: byes Riki [Bulmafox]: Thanks! [MartAnimE]: catch you later [MartAnimE]: *** [Bulmafox]: Download away [Bulmafox]: So... [Bulmafox]: Do y'all think anyone else will show up? [Bulmafox]: Or should we just start the rewatch now? [UNtrue Noir]: i mean anyone else who shows up could just catch up/do it on their own when they can [AlexShadow]: seeing as I've watched already [AlexShadow]: might as well let everyone do at their own pace [The Manor]: Koveras has left at 9:21 pm [MartAnimE]: we might aswell get started on it before it becomes too late ^^; [Forlorn Hope]: I don't care either way, watch now or wait..it's all the same to me ^^; [MartAnimE]: Riki left already [Tahaan]: Yeah. [Tahaan]: Let's do this thing. [MartAnimE]: allright! [UNtrue Noir]: sounds good [AlexShadow]: btw next party is a .hack// Party [AlexShadow]: Be There or Be Square [Bulmafox]: Yes it is, Alex [Forlorn Hope]: lol [MartAnimE]: sure do ^^ [Bulmafox]: Okay, does anyone not have the DVDs? [AlexShadow]: and not Square Enix becauce Square Enix had nothing to do with the games [Forlorn Hope]: I don't [MartAnimE]: I opened the DVD [Bulmafox]: Okay [MartAnimE]: waiting on you guys [Bulmafox]: Episode 06--http://www.zomganime.com/noir-episode-6/ [Forlorn Hope]: merci :3 [Bulmafox]: You're welcome [MartAnimE]: ok starting [Bulmafox]: Starting [Tahaan]: KOPPERIA NO HITSUGI [Forlorn Hope]: Starting :3 [UNtrue Noir]: oh and here's my 'tea' party: http://www.beetrainfan.org/f orum/index.php?action=gallery&g2_itemId=3324 [Forlorn Hope]: I don't think I've ever watched Noir subbed x3 'tis awesome [Tahaan]: Isn't it? [MartAnimE]: it's been so long since I watched Noir ^^ [Tahaan]: NoWAAru... [MartAnimE]: I wanna take Myshkin home [UNtrue Noir]: lolol [UNtrue Noir]: i never realized just how large myshkin's eyes are [Tahaan]: I read 'The Idiot' a while ago. [Tahaan]: It's a lovely book. [Tahaan]: Prince Myshkin really is a very pure character, like Kirika minus the sins of Noir. [MartAnimE]: Mireille wants to eat Myshkin for dinner T_T [MartAnimE]: like Excel wants to eat Menchi [The Manor]: GhostFriendly has entered at 9:34 pm [GhostFriendly]: hello [UNtrue Noir]: hiya! [UNtrue Noir]: here for the noir party? [MartAnimE]: hey we're watching Noir episode 6! [Bulmafox]: Hey Duncan [Bulmafox]: u made it [MartAnimE]: have you watched yet? [Bulmafox]: We're watching Noir episode 6 right now [Bulmafox]: Episode 06--http://www.zomganime.com/noir-episode-6/ [GhostFriendly]: had to go see Pranesh, made him watch 6 [noirlax]: ok I'm away but I'm starting ep 6 now. ta [GhostFriendly]: got here in the end [GhostFriendly]: when did everyone get here? [MartAnimE]: I've been around for a while [MartAnimE]: since 8 pm [GhostFriendly]: ah, in the thread [GhostFriendly]: 8pm GMT or EST? [MartAnimE]: GMT [GhostFriendly]: sorry turned up so late [MartAnimE]: it's fine [GhostFriendly]: where are you up to with ep 6? [UNtrue Noir]: i'm a little over halfway done [Tahaan]: I uh [Tahaan]: just got to the eyecatches. [GhostFriendly]: the ending? [MartAnimE]: almost done [MartAnimE]: 17.38 [GhostFriendly]: I finished ep 6, so I'll start 11 in a bit [MartAnimE]: canta per me is playing now! [Forlorn Hope]: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a118/fhscreencaps /IMG_2744.jpg & http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a118/fhscreencaps/snapshot.jpg my pics for the noir party. Although I used hot coco instead of tea ^^; [GhostFriendly]: watched 6 with Pranesh, he asked if it was really old series, but hope he liked music [MartAnimE]: finished 6 [MartAnimE]: how could he not like the music? [GhostFriendly]: yeah [GhostFriendly]: you could be Kirika from photo, Forlorn [UNtrue Noir]: i agree [UNtrue Noir]: and i just finished 6 too [GhostFriendly]: whats poster behind you? [MartAnimE]: yeah that's cool! [Tahaan]: Just finished 6 [Tahaan]: It's SUCH a good episode, truly. [Bulmafox]: Hey Brooke, you look like Kirika [MartAnimE]: it's a Gurren Lagann poster right? [Bulmafox]: Finished 6 [Tahaan]: She does? [Forlorn Hope]: we do have the same hair color/length ^^; one's a gurren lagann poster and the other is just a generic tiger ^^ [Tahaan]: I'm not aware of what Brooke looks like. [Bulmafox]: In the second link [Tahaan]: She DOES look Kirika-ish! [UNtrue Noir]: man, it's so good to hear kajiura's music in context [Forlorn Hope]: finished ep 6 [Bulmafox]: I forgot, what was th song that played when Kirika was goind back to Nazarov's house? [Bulmafox]: (I think that's the right scene) [Bulmafox]: Not Canta Per Me [Bulmafox]: The other one [UNtrue Noir]: snow? [MartAnimE]: yeah I think that played aswell [Bulmafox]: Oh [Bulmafox]: Maybw [Bulmafox]: *Maybe [Bulmafox]: Nope [Bulmafox]: It's a different song [Bulmafox]: Something that reminds me of Ode To Power, but isn't [Bulmafox]: Honestly, I forgot Snow existed [Tahaan]: H'm [Tahaan]: Colisseum? [Bulmafox]: It's not one of my favorites, so I never play it [Bulmafox]: Nope [Bulmafox]: That's not until later'in the series [Bulmafox]: Let me see if I can find it [UNtrue Noir]: oh it's um [UNtrue Noir]: black society? [UNtrue Noir]: something like that [Bulmafox]: No [Bulmafox]: At least, not hte one from Blanc Dans Noir [Bulmafox]: I'm trying to see what time it plays [Tahaan]: I really want Blanc dans Noir [UNtrue Noir]: i think i know what you're talking about [Tahaan]: I should ask for it for Christmas. [UNtrue Noir]: power-hungry! [GhostFriendly]: heh [UNtrue Noir]: you should totally get it [MartAnimE]: so hmm [MartAnimE]: episode 11 now? [UNtrue Noir]: i'm ready [Bulmafox]: It plays right after Kirika says "He's waiting for the snow to fall [Bulmafox]: Yes Untrue! [Bulmafox]: Another song I forgot existed! [UNtrue Noir]: lol [Bulmafox]: I never listen to that one or have it ripped either! [GhostFriendly]: yep power hungry [GhostFriendly]: watched start of ep 11 [Bulmafox]: Starting [Bulmafox]: Episode 11--http://www.zomganime.com/noir-episode-11/ [UNtrue Noir]: chloe! [GhostFriendly]: paused to get tea [GhostFriendly]: my darling Chloe.... [Bulmafox]: Okay, I paused too then [MartAnimE]: ready when you guys are [Bulmafox]: brb, bathroom and water [Bulmafox]: Duncan paused it to get tea [Bulmafox]: So I did too [UNtrue Noir]: oh lol, i kind of started [GhostFriendly]: but I watched beginging already, so you guys catch up [Tahaan]: Starting. [Bulmafox]: resuming [MartAnimE]: ok starting [Forlorn Hope]: starting [Bulmafox]: Did you start, Brooke? [Bulmafox]: Okay [MartAnimE]: oh and I'm posting my tea party picture soon [GhostFriendly]: cool [GhostFriendly]: back [MartAnimE]: wb [MartAnimE]: posted my pic at the thread [GhostFriendly]: ooo [UNtrue Noir]: very nice marta [Tahaan]: I'm almost halfway through... [MartAnimE]: I'm at the break now [GhostFriendly]: nice, but we don't get to see you [Forlorn Hope]: i'm at the 15:00 mark [GhostFriendly]: btw, the Asterix mustache guy is very good at escaping [Forlorn Hope]: nice marta ^^ [MartAnimE]: oh I don't like to post my pics on the internet sorry ^^; [Forlorn Hope]: I like how the thunkies see a penny in the tree (oooo shiny) and kirrika then comes and shoots them while they're distracted [GhostFriendly]: 's okay [Forlorn Hope]: couldn't you send one to just us in the chat? [MartAnimE]: yeah I've sent my picture to the chat before [GhostFriendly]: I count eighteen suits, is that about right? [MartAnimE]: just wouldn't post it at the forum [Forlorn Hope]: that's alright [Forlorn Hope]: tea party of three [MartAnimE]: I love it when Kirika says "yoishou~" ^^ [GhostFriendly]: when Kirika says she read up about tea, Chloe looks a bit cross, as if she's missing Dark Kirika [Forlorn Hope]: finished [Tahaan]: Finished [Bulmafox]: Finished [MartAnimE]: almost done [GhostFriendly]: credits [GhostFriendly]: suprisingly close [Bulmafox]: I just realized Mireille and Kirika can be quite chatty around each other when they want to [Bulmafox]: Also, I held up my fork and asked Kirika if I can keep it at the same time Chloe did [Bulmafox]: On purpose [GhostFriendly]: aww [MartAnimE]: aww [Forlorn Hope]: lol aww [GhostFriendly]: Mireille talks a bit more, but Kirika opening up to Mireille is there, and nice to see [UNtrue Noir]: lol geez, chloe is such a creep [GhostFriendly]: but a cute creep [Bulmafox]: I thought of the ADV voice acrtesses interview [Forlorn Hope]: Compared to LA, she's quite tame though Tongue [UNtrue Noir]: lol well yeah [UNtrue Noir]: she's still a creep though [Bulmafox]: Where Monica (?) said something about "and she kept that stupid fork the whole time" [Bulmafox]: Have you seen the rest of Noir, Brooke? [Forlorn Hope]: Yeah I've seen madlax, noir and el cazador all the way through. It's been a while since I've watched Noir though ^^ [GhostFriendly]: Limelda worse than chloe too with general lavisiousness [Bulmafox]: So you know how Chloe got near the end? [UNtrue Noir]: *shudder* limelda [UNtrue Noir]: she did horrible, horrible things with her sniper barrel [MartAnimE]: lol [MartAnimE]: I'm done now too [Bulmafox]: lol [noirlax]: back, Limelda wasn't that bad to her barrel [noirlax]: I've finished 6 and 11. [Forlorn Hope]: heh, yeah [Tahaan]: Er [Forlorn Hope]: wb riki [Bulmafox]: Did you finish, Untrue? [UNtrue Noir]: yeah i'm done [Tahaan]: if you're comparing people to LA in order to say that they're not THAT creepy [Tahaan]: that means they're pretty creepy. XD [UNtrue Noir]: hahaha [GhostFriendly]: true dat [Forlorn Hope]: lol true enough [noirlax]: Limelda gave her barrel some relaxing from all that hard work . How true Tahaan [AlexShadow]: lol [MartAnimE]: wb Riki [UNtrue Noir]: LOL eeww [Bulmafox]: @Nathan: quoting that! [MartAnimE]: LA really is out of touch with reality ^^; [noirlax]: 6 was a masterpiece tears to my eye. How was the tea party? [GhostFriendly]: enjoyed tea [GhostFriendly]: chat and discuss nice [Bulmafox]: Me too, but it was gone too fast [Bulmafox]: I replaced it wit hwater [Bulmafox]: Yeah, that too [MartAnimE]: yup, it was nice [Bulmafox]: *water [MartAnimE]: let's watch 13 now? [UNtrue Noir]: i had a nice white russian instead [Bulmafox]: Okay [noirlax]: *ep 6, the tea party ep was a little ludicrious but all that manipulation behind the scenes so Chloe can hang out with Kirika [UNtrue Noir]: i'm ready for 13 [Bulmafox]: Episode 13--http://www.zomganime.com/noir-episode-13/ [Bulmafox]: Oh! [noirlax]: All right ep 13, away again. [Bulmafox]: Right! [Bulmafox]: I didn't even realize that! [Bulmafox]: I'm quoting that too! [The Manor]: janus has entered at 10:52 pm [janus]: Hiya all [janus]: >>waves>> [Forlorn Hope]: Hi Janus [MartAnimE]: hi janus" [noirlax]: ok Milosh here we come. hi janus [janus]: I have a question... [MartAnimE]: !* [UNtrue Noir]: hi janus! [noirlax]: we're in a Noir tea party. [janus]: How graphic sexually can I go? [MartAnimE]: we're gonna watch episode 13 now [Bulmafox]: Where? [janus]: for the Noir Caption Thread [janus]: okay [janus]: Perfect timing [janus]: lol [AlexShadow]: just mark NSFW [MartAnimE]: is it text or pic? [janus]: NSFW? [MartAnimE]: yeah label NSFW [noirlax]: just put a spoiler imo [Bulmafox]: And link it offsite [janus]: text [noirlax]: with NSFW [MartAnimE]: if it's a pic link it from outside the forum [Bulmafox]: Not Safe For Work [janus]: offsite? [janus]: okay [janus]: NSFW got it [Bulmafox]: As in, not hosted on the forum [noirlax]: seeya all again in half an hour [janus]: speaking of Tea Parties.... [MartAnimE]: see ya Riki [MartAnimE]: [janus]: why off site Bulma? [MartAnimE]: Bill said we should link NSFW pics from outside the forum because people checking the forum from work might come across a page that contains a NSFW pic [Bulmafox]: So it won't already be downloaded and get Fellini in trouble at work [janus]: Not a pic, a response the the lastest picture [Bulmafox]: Some workplaces monitor data transfer [MartAnimE]: and the pic will show up in the records even if you don't open the spoiler tag [Bulmafox]: Well that's different [janus]: thank you. Bulmafox]: A spoiler cut will probably do [janus]: Thanks [MartAnimE]: if it's text it should be fine with just a warning and spoiler tag yeah [GhostFriendly]: I'll start 13 [janus]: I just want to make every effort to prevent anyone getting mad at me for what I want to say about the pic [MartAnimE]: just starting for me [janus]: Time to get 13 in [Forlorn Hope]: Starting as well [janus]: starting 13 [janus]: as well [Tahaan]: Started just now [Bulmafox]: Starting as well [MartAnimE]: Milosh has such a nice voice [UNtrue Noir]: i agree. it's soothing [janus]: English or in Japanesee? [UNtrue Noir]: japanese for me [MartAnimE]: I'm watching in Japanese [janus]: ty [MartAnimE]: oh it's Seki Toshihiko [MartAnimE]: a rather popular voice actor for such a minor role ^^ [MartAnimE]: I remember now that Koichi Mashimo likes to do that [GhostFriendly]: Kirika is cute with leaf on her head [MartAnimE]: yeah she is ^^ [Bulmafox]: I'm watching it in English [MartAnimE]: I like when Kirika calls "Milosh-san~!" [GhostFriendly]: poor Mireille and Kirika [MartAnimE]: but I don't like what happens after that [Forlorn Hope]: Sad eppy :*( [UNtrue Noir]: sad [Tahaan]: So, so tragic. [MartAnimE]: Milosh is so understanding even while he's dying [Forlorn Hope]: lol XD [GhostFriendly]: every ep says a lot, but this one is definative [Forlorn Hope]: Does anyone have the license to Noir right now? It was one of ADV's titles and I can't seem to renember if it was rescueed or not [MartAnimE]: I think you can still buy the ADV DVDs [MartAnimE]: they weren't taken off market were they? [Forlorn Hope]: hmm probably [janus]: check Ebay [janus]: still watching [AlexShadow]: they're around [AlexShadow]: if not from ADV then Section23 [MartAnimE]: I'm done [GhostFriendly]: me too [AlexShadow]: as far as I know just about everything they had they still own [GhostFriendly]: choice of eps was very good [Forlorn Hope]: finished [AlexShadow]: except the stuff they lost in the deal [Tahaan]: Done. [Forlorn Hope]: checked rightstuf and the complete box is there listed under section 23. [Forlorn Hope]: if only I had 53 bucks to spare Tongue [Bulmafox]: [MartAnimE]: so ready for 26? [Forlorn Hope]: yep yep [janus]: nolpe [janus]: nope [janus]: negative [UNtrue Noir]: i don't think i'm gonna watch 25 and 26 [UNtrue Noir]: i feel i should watch the whole series first [UNtrue Noir]: rewatch* [Bulmafox]: Aww, why not? [Bulmafox]: t's just 26 [MartAnimE]: it's only 26 wasn't it? [Bulmafox]: No one wants to watch 25 [UNtrue Noir]: oh lol [UNtrue Noir]: i didn't know that [UNtrue Noir]: well still, i'm not sure if i will [UNtrue Noir]: i'll think about it until everyone's ready lol [MartAnimE]: I'm ready when you are [Forlorn Hope]: ditto [Bulmafox]: Finished wit hthe het episode [GhostFriendly]: lol [MartAnimE]: heh [Forlorn Hope]: Tongue [UNtrue Noir]: i get it! [GhostFriendly]: is Breffort ep het episode? [Bulmafox]: Not unless there's Breffot/Mireille subtext going on? [Bulmafox]: Or is there? [Bulmafox]: [MartAnimE]: I didn't see it like that [GhostFriendly]: guess not really [Tahaan]: No. [Tahaan]: No it is not. [janus]: not yet [janus]: Epsidoe 24 is Breffort/Mireille, I believe [Bulmafox]: It is [Bulmafox]: No wait, it's 23 [Bulmafox]: And he was asking if it was a het episode [GhostFriendly]: ready to start 26 [MartAnimE]: me too [Bulmafox]: Oh grr [Bulmafox]: My disc won't load [Bulmafox]: I'll have to watch it online [Forlorn Hope]: uh oh [MartAnimE]: oh noes [GhostFriendly]: oh [Bulmafox]: Episode 26--http://www.zomganime.com/noir-episode-26/ [MartAnimE]: okies started [Bulmafox]: OMG it works! [Bulmafox]: started! [GhostFriendly]: cool [janus]: done [Forlorn Hope]: started [MartAnimE]: aww Mireille is a crybaby when Kirika is treating her wound [MartAnimE]: how cute [janus]: Starting 26 [Tahaan]: STARTING [janus]: op [MartAnimE]: that nun with the dagger is pretty good [AlexShadow]: ZOMG nun with Dagger! [AlexShadow]: I thought the Nuns with Guns were intense [AlexShadow]: Rosette's got nothing on that [MartAnimE]: and the one with the long sword is even better [GhostFriendly]: Nun teamwork not as good as Noir teamwork though [Forlorn Hope]: gah my internet is acting up, have to refresh the video page [MartAnimE]: why doesn't Mireille just aim for the head already [MartAnimE]: after she realizes the nun is wearing an armour [UNtrue Noir]: lol i was JUST about to ask taht too [Forlorn Hope]: lol [GhostFriendly]: they hardly ever aim for the head, always centre of mass [MartAnimE]: well, that got Kirika to do something cool so I guess it's ok [MartAnimE]: darn I despise Altena [MartAnimE]: she really knows how to get to them with words [GhostFriendly]: Magnificent b*tch though [MartAnimE]: yup [Forlorn Hope]: agh the video stopped again -_-; *refreshes* [AlexShadow]: poor Brooke *hug* [GhostFriendly]: I think the Soldats probably started war when she was a kid, so she might have always wanted to destroy them [Tahaan]: Well, she certainly succeeded at THAT. They're INCREDIBLY factionalised and probably rather scattered by the end of the show. [MartAnimE]: Mireille should have slapped Altena a bit at least ^^; [GhostFriendly]: she did feel sorry for her [MartAnimE]: when she provoked her about her parents [GhostFriendly]: and realise if she kills her, and kills the other Soldat leaders, she's become just as dead inside as Altena [MartAnimE]: yup [MartAnimE]: but a slap wouldn't have been too much [MartAnimE]: though I admit it might have ruined the scene ^^; [GhostFriendly]: and they redeem each other [janus]: done! [MartAnimE]: yes [MartAnimE]: and did they rip off the lava pit scene from LotR? [janus]: Yes, using a hand gun the proper target is the chest [AlexShadow]: the book or the movie? [MartAnimE]: the book [GhostFriendly]: Altena looks so suprised [janus]: Lava pit scene, both [MartAnimE]: cuz the movie came after [MartAnimE]: but I don't know if that scene was in the book [janus]: Animed movie [MartAnimE]: the scene in the movie allways reminds me of noir [AlexShadow]: could be just a case of "Everything's Better With Lava" [janus]: lol [GhostFriendly]: gollum falling into lava? Yeah, key scene in book, with ring destroyed and all [AlexShadow]: though strictly speaking I think it's Magma isn't it? ^^ [AlexShadow]: oh Okoa is returning [MartAnimE]: hmm [The Manor]: Okoa has entered at 12:06 am [MartAnimE]: well I'm done [GhostFriendly]: finished need to get up at 8.00 so night, had good time [janus]: HIya Okoa [janus]: Bye [AlexShadow]: called it [MartAnimE]: welcome back Okoa [UNtrue Noir]: gnight ghost [MartAnimE]: oh wow [Okoa]: Hey folks. Ah crap, what did I miss? [Forlorn Hope]: hi okoa [Forlorn Hope]: night ghost [UNtrue Noir]: hey okoa [Tahaan]: bYE. [MartAnimE]: you're up late Duncan ^^; [Tahaan]: Hi Okoa. [janus]: Who has the omake for teh ADV disks? [MartAnimE]: good night! [AlexShadow]: most of the party [MartAnimE]: *** [Okoa]: Night Ghost. [Okoa]: **** [GhostFriendly]: so are you Marta [MartAnimE]: but I'm not getting up at 8 [AlexShadow]: Section23 [janus]: Which were the other episodes watched? [janus]: beside 13 and 26. [MartAnimE]: we watched 6, 11, 13 and 26 [Okoa]: I missed the Noir party. [janus]: okay thanks [AlexShadow]: stay tuned Okoa there will be a .hack// Party later [GhostFriendly]: need to make tea coffee and cheese on sticks for church [GhostFriendly]: don't cry Okoa [MartAnimE]: yeah we'll have another one next year ^^ [Okoa]: Next year? [AlexShadow]: brb [MartAnimE]: and there's the upcoming .hack//PARTY [Bulmafox]: Done [Bulmafox]: Oh [AlexShadow]: well a .hack//SIGN party [Bulmafox]: rn Missed Duncan [Okoa]: Oh, there really is a .hack//Party? [AlexShadow]: yep [Bulmafox]: Hi Adam [GhostFriendly]: night [The Manor]: GhostFriendly has left at 12:11 am [AlexShadow]: seeing as there was a 2010 Noir Party We're going to throw a 2010 .hack//SIGN Party because SIGN also is in 2010 [MartAnimE]: you gonna make that thread Alex? [janus]: great [Okoa]: Cool. [AlexShadow]: yeah after I shower so brb [AlexShadow]: and if anyone leaves you'll get the video! [MartAnimE]: okies [AlexShadow]: about Spiiiiders [MartAnimE]: lol [Okoa]: I guess because it's after midnight here, I can't participate in the Noir thing anymore. [MartAnimE]: I won't leave [Okoa]: Okies Alex. [janus]: I need to watch the first two.... [janus]: so I still have some work to do.... [Forlorn Hope]: finished 26. D'aww.. makes me want to rewatch the series from the begining [janus]: >>nods>> I know, I thought the same thing [Okoa]: Oh, 26 was in there? Maybe I shouldn't. [janus]: 6,11,13 and 26 [Bulmafox]: Episode 06--http://www.zomganime.com/noir-episode-6/ Episode 11--http://www.zomganime.com/noir-episode-11/ Episode 13--http://www.zomganime.com/noir-episode-13/ Episode 26--http://www.zomganime.com/noir-episode-26/ [Okoa]: Ahh. ^^ [Okoa]: Can I still take a picture of the moon? [Bulmafox]: Yes [Bulmafox]: And your beverage of choice, preferable hot tea [Okoa]: I saw it today, it looks good. [Bulmafox]: though Untrue used White Russian and Brooke used cocoa [MartAnimE]: of course you can [Bulmafox]: I couldn't see it [The Manor]: Forlorn Hope has left at 12:16 am [The Manor]: Forlorn Hope has entered at 12:16 am [Bulmafox]: I guess it was hidden [Bulmafox]: hiccup [Okoa]: The only thing I drink is Gatorade, practically. [janus]: yep [janus]: RC Cherry Cola [Bulmafox]: Is it alright with everyone if I make a collage out of the pictures? [UNtrue Noir]: sure [Forlorn Hope]: I don't mind [MartAnimE]: sure go ahead [janus]: Sorry but no moon out tonight here, cloudy [Okoa]: Okies. But can you hold off until I submit mine? [janus]: go for it [Bulmafox]: Okay [Bulmafox]: Just post it sometime soon [Bulmafox]: On the "Noir Party?" thread [Okoa]: Yeah. In fact, I'll do it now. brb [Forlorn Hope]: it was cloudy here too and I still posted mine [janus]: I will take one soon... [janus]: 100% cloud cover... [janus]: therefore, no moon [MartAnimE]: I took mine earlier cuz I knew it wouldn't be as visible later at night [Forlorn Hope]: yeah same here. I was bummed [janus]: So I will take one when it clears [MartAnimE]: still, it's allways difficult to get good night photos [Forlorn Hope]: yeah [MartAnimE]: mine hardly looks like a moon, it could be an UFO for all you know ^^; [janus]: lol [Forlorn Hope]: ^^l [janus]: I will Have to work on the NOir caption adn the Phantom caption... [janus]: Noir [janus]: and [Tahaan]: I need to go to bed. [janus]: Good Night [MartAnimE]: okies Nathan [MartAnimE]: sleep well [MartAnimE]: good night [UNtrue Noir]: gnight! [MartAnimE]: *** [Forlorn Hope]: night! [Okoa]: Back. Night Tahaan. [MartAnimE]: wb [Bulmafox]: Good night Nathan [Forlorn Hope]: wb [Bulmafox]: Thanks for joining us [janus]: wb [Bulmafox]: wb [The Manor]: Tahaan has left at 12:30 am [MartAnimE]: I posted a yes or no [Okoa]: I answered it. [Okoa]: You guys are thinking too hard about "location." ^^' Maybe I shouldn't have answered yes to that.... [Bulmafox]: Oh right! Adam! [Bulmafox]: http://bulmafox.deviantart.com/#/d31dgzr [MartAnimE]: posted another [Bulmafox]: Noir 2010 wallpaper [Okoa]: Dude, that's awesome! [janus]: lol [janus]: very nice [Okoa]: I love Chloe's face. [Bulmafox]: Thank you! [Bulmafox]: I love Chloe's face too [janus]: Good night everyone. Thank you for the art work Bulma. [Okoa]: Oh, I answered you, Marta. [Okoa]: Night Janus. [Bulmafox]: You're welcome [MartAnimE]: good night janus! [MartAnimE]: I asked another Okoa [MartAnimE]: *** [UNtrue Noir]: night janus [Okoa]: **** [janus]: Seeya on the flip side... [janus]: *** [The Manor]: Forlorn Hope has left at 12:40 am [The Manor]: janus has left at 12:40 am [UNtrue Noir]: i'm actually going to go too [UNtrue Noir]: i'll see you guys around the forum [UNtrue Noir]: gnight! [Okoa]: Awww. [Okoa]: Night Untrue. [Okoa]: **** [MartAnimE]: good night Tracy [MartAnimE]: **** [The Manor]: UNtrue Noir has left at 12:43 am [AlexShadow]: back and posted [MartAnimE]: am I the only one who calls Untrue by her name? ^^; [Okoa]: wb [Okoa]: I never knew her name before. [Okoa]: This is the first I've heard it. [AlexShadow]: I never knew her name either [MartAnimE]: hope it doesn't sound out of place [MartAnimE]: wb Alex [Bulmafox]: Aww, now we're dropping like Soldats [Okoa]: I know. Ever since I walked in. [MartAnimE]: we need to call Riki back here [Bulmafox]: So...is the Noir party officially over now? [Okoa]: Nope! [Okoa]: I'm getting ready to upload my pic now. [Okoa]: So I can at least say I had some input in the party.