The Arc de Triomphe...
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...and in reality. The shot was taken from the Eiffel Tower.
As you can see, the buildings aren't as close as shown in Noir.
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The building where Mireille and Kirika converse
at the end of "Return to Corsica"...
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...seems to be the Centre Georges Pompidou. It
contains exhibitions of modern art. If you want to get up, you have either to pay 10 Euros
entrance fee or to go to the restaurant. I paid the 10 Euros and looked at the exhibitions
despite disliking modern art. Watching this exhibition confirmed my dislike. And
I felt betrayed because 1 1/2 floors weren't accessible.
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While in the first screenshot it looks like they were
looking southward(judging from the building), the sunset points to the west.
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That's a view to the west, but from the 4th floor,
not from the top (6th) floor. It was the only one where I had access outside that tube.
Note especially the difference of the railing.
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While that's one to the south, taken from the tube.
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The Eiffel tower at night...
page start very beautyfull. Sorry that it is a bit blurred, my hands aren't that quite.
At certain times starts a light show, hundreds of little flashlights all over the
tower. That was the last evening that I spent in Paris, and it was a real highlight
after all the disappointment. It's worth to go to Paris soley to see that.
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